New LifeStyles Senior Living & Care Blog

We know that it can be tough, finding care for a loved one, or taking care of them yourself. So we offer our end users a blog with information on care giving, choosing a community, senior living and care news and just for fun!

Health Insurance for Seniors

Growing older certainly may come with its perks! You probably have more free time to spend on the things you were too busy with before, whether spending time with your loved ones or throwing yourself into time-consuming hobbies. It’s easy to get caught up in your new-found freedom and carefree…


Retirement Gift Ideas Women Will Love

The moment of retirement is not only the beginning of a new stage of life where the person will be able to enjoy their time the way they want but also a celebration of the hard work they have put in throughout their life. That is why these people, who…


Helping Your Aging Parents Declutter and Downsize

Aging adults accumulate belongings in the course of their lives that they no longer use. While most of these things have sentimental value, it makes more sense to downsize than to hold on to them. Helping your aging parents declutter their home is daunting, especially if they are reluctant to…


Getting Older Doesn’t Mean Avoiding Fun and Adventure

There are a lot of changes that come with getting older. Some of them are great, and others aren’t as wonderful. But aging doesn’t mean you need to stay home and do nothing. You can still get out and experience plenty of adventure. Even if you don’t want to travel…


Best Window Treatment Options for Senior Living

Window treatment options are an essential part of home decorating while also providing an important function. Window treatments allow us to control the amount of light that comes in, give us privacy, and help create a comfortable and relaxing environment. Whether in nursing homes or home care, learning about some…


Products That Make Life More Comfortable for Seniors

As we get older, we’re blessed with the wisdom that comes with the year, ideally some financial freedom and family that enriches our lives and brings us joy and comfort. There are other things that can make life more comfortable as we age too. From choosing the right products to…


Great Clothing Choices When You Move to Assisted Living

Moving out of your home and into assisted living can feel like you are losing out on a lot of things. Fortunately, many assisted living facilities offer a lot of fun activities, community, and even services like hair stylists, food, and more. When you live in this type of community,…


The Benefits of Small Aquariums for Seniors

People who live in assisted living facilities need help performing essential, day-to-day functions. They also need a variety of activities throughout the day for mental and physical stimulation. Small aquariums have those benefits for seniors, as they give seniors the opportunity to watch, care for, and engage with the fish….


5 Tips for Making a House Wheelchair-Safe

Using a wheelchair comes with difficulties in certain places, as not all areas are easily accessible. These areas may need specific features and structures to assist people in wheelchairs. Even using a wheelchair around the house can also be a challenge, and specific measures are required to make the home…


4 Must-Have Travel Items for Seniors

Many people choose to travel the globe during their retirement. You’ve worked hard your whole life, saved and sacrificed, and now it’s time to enjoy the years and fruits of your labor. While there are plenty of things that each unique individual needs to have on their packing lists, there…