How to Prepare for a Move to an Independent Living Community

There may come a point in your life when you want to (or have to) move to an
independent living community. This is a big decision, so you don’t want to rush it. Take your time, compare your options, and only make a choice when you’re 100 percent confident in what you’re doing.

If you’ve concluded that moving to an independent living community is the right idea, be sure that you prepare accordingly. This will ensure that you follow the right path. Here are five steps you can take:

  1. Review your budget

This is the first step in the process. If you don’t have a firm grasp of your budget, it’s difficult to determine what comes next. You must know how much money you bring in every month, as well as how much you spend. Only then can you decide on how to proceed. 

  1. Compare communities

Don’t assume that the first independent living community that you come across will be the best. There are many to choose from, so take your time. Write out the pros and cons of each one so that you have a clear view of which path to take. 

  1. Plan your timeline

Maybe you want to move into an independent living community right away. Or perhaps you want to hold off for the time being as you gain a better understanding of your budget and future costs. 

Planning your timeline will give you peace of mind as you inch toward moving into an independent living community. It’s better to take this approach than it is to “wing it” and hope for the best. 

  1. Think about your next move

Once you know that you want to move into an independent living community, you’re set for the time being. But that doesn’t necessarily mean this is your last move. You may soon realize that there will come a time when you have to move out of an independent living community and into an assisted living facility.

Once again, there are questions to answer. Does the independent living community also have assisted living care? What will happen to your residence if you have to move out? What impact will your next move have on your budget?

  1. Ask others for advice and tips

If you know someone who has moved into an independent living community, ask them for advice and guidance. They can tell you what to do, what to avoid, and how to make a decision that you’ll be happy with.

Also, share your thoughts with your doctor. Ask them if they have any thoughts about moving into an independent living community and which ones in the area are best. You may be surprised to find that they have quite a bit of knowledge in this area.

You don’t have to listen to every bit of advice that you receive, but more knowledge is always better than less. 

Important questions to answer

There’s no shortage of questions to answer as you consider a move to an independent living community. Here are some of the most important:

  • What is the best way to pay for your move? From no income verification loans to personal savings, there are funding sources you can tap into to manage the expenses of this transition. 
  • Is now the right time to make the move? Don’t rush this decision. You don’t want to look back and wonder what went wrong. 
  • Do you know which communities will best suit you? Don’t spend all your time focused on one independent living community. Compare a minimum of three to five communities so you can make an informed and confident decision. 

The more of these questions that you answer the easier it is to decide on your next moves.

Final thoughts

This is a basic overview of how to prepare for a move to an independent living community. You may decide to take different steps, and there’s nothing wrong with that. As long as you’re on the right path and stay there until the end, everything will work out.

What other steps would you add to the list above? Is there anything else you can do to prepare for a move to an independent living community?