If you suffer from stiff muscles or muscle aches or perhaps neck, back, or joint pain, a licensed chiropractor can help. According to the American Chiropractic Association, every year, U.S. chiropractors successfully treat roughly 35 million Americans suffering from such conditions. Even with this data, some argue chiropractic care is not a viable treatment once individuals reach a certain age. In this article, we will take a look at whether or not there is something to their collective assertions.
At What Age Are Individuals Considered Too Old for Chiropractic Care?
According to a study published by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the primary federal biomedical research agency in the United States, the average chiropractic patient in the U.S. is between 38 and 45 years of age, with the vast majority comprising women who suffer from low back pain. While middle-aged women make up the bulk of chiropractic patients, it doesn’t mean others struggling with back pain and other types of pain can’t benefit from the same kind of care provided via a trained and licensed chiropractor. And this includes much older men and women.
The Truth About Chiropractic Care for Seniors
The chances of suffering from musculoskeletal pain become more likely the older we get. And this is not rooted in baseless conjecture; it’s an unsettling reality substantiated by multiple studies, one of which comes from the National Institutes of Health. In that study, researchers found that roughly 65% to 85% of seniors struggle with one kind of musculoskeletal pain or another. In addition to back pain, which was the chief complaint, many study respondents said they suffered from the following:
- Chronic shoulder pain
- Spinal pain
- Fibromyalgia
- Knee pain
- Myofascial pain syndrome
- Osteoarthritis
Even among seniors, the right chiropractor can help most people achieve meaningful relief from these varying forms of musculoskeletal pain, notes a study published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. And this is not entirely surprising as spinal manipulative therapy (SMT), which nearly all chiropractors offer, is recognized as a first-line treatment for combatting low back pain and fibromyalgia. Long story short- chiropractic care is not only safe but also an effective treatment for seniors struggling with musculoskeletal pain. Aside from pain relief, chiropractic care also benefits seniors in the following ways:
It lessens the risk of slip and fall injuries. Several studies show that chiropractic care improves balance, flexibility, and mobility, all of which leave seniors steadier on their feet and less prone to falls.
It provides better overall health and well-being. Something to note when it comes to chiropractic care is that it can help improve one’s overall health and well-being. This is especially beneficial for elderly patients who are often simultaneously struggling with other health problems. Older adults who receive neurologically-based chiropractic care are not as prone to headaches and generally have a much stronger immune system than those who do not.
It minimizes wear and tear on joints. Along with relieving joint pain, chiropractic care helps keep joints strong as we age. Multiple studies show that expert chiropractic care slows down joint degeneration, which, if left untreated, often causes pain and mobility issues.
Bottom Line
In summary, there is no such thing as a young person’s only chiropractic care appointment. Men and women of any age can benefit from seeing a licensed chiropractor. To learn more about chiropractic care as a treatment for musculoskeletal pain, click this URL: snapcrack.com/doral/