Five Things That Most Seniors Tend to Worry About (And How You Can Feel Better About Them)

Being a senior isn’t an easy feat. You have lots of decades behind you, and tons of experiences underneath your belt, too. Now retired, you are settling into your golden years to enjoy all the free time that comes with it. Your daily routines are more relaxed and you are taking life one day at a time. You get to spend more time with your loved ones and even do those things that work schedules and family obligations never gave you time for.

Of course, these years can be some of the best years of our lives. However, like every other phase in life, it also comes with its own challenges and worries. Thankfully, there is always an applicable solution to everything life throws at us, so we don’t have to fuss about them. With that in mind, here are five things that tend to get seniors worried — and also some great ways to deal with them!

 Losing Your Independence

As a senior, you are beginning to experience witnessing your life come to a full cycle as it relates to your independence. Once upon a time, you could pick up lots of stuff with different weights and not even break a sweat. Now, you can barely pick something from the floor without making a small wince. 

It’s important to remember that there is no shame in asking for a little bit of help if you need it. If you don’t have anyone living with you to help out, though, you can visit a senior residential facility for assistance. Many of them offer different levels of living for seniors, including day programs. Each level is designed for practical living, while still offering the right amount of help each senior needs. They also keep seniors active and engaged, so you can enjoy your independence without boredom. 

No Longer Being Able to Drive

For most adults, driving is equivalent to independence. Many of us have been driving since we were teenagers, so it is always understandably hard for most seniors to give up driving. It’s important to remember that giving up driving doesn’t mean that you should also give up on going out, though. You can still go shopping, keep your appointments and visit with your family and loved ones. 

Moreover, communities are now more aware of the need for transportation for seniors, so there are shuttle services and rideshare programs designed especially for mature adults. If this doesn’t suit you, you can always find options with your family and friends. Offer to pay for their gas if you can, or even barter a trip with a chore you can do for them. In addition, you can always take a walk if you’re up for it (and you’re sure that it won’t take a toll on your health).

Your Kids or Grandkids Having Problems

As a senior, you get to be one of the first persons that your kids will come to for sound advice about their problems. Your years of experience also mean that you would easily pick up on cues and signs that others won’t easily see, and recognize struggles that your teenage grandchild may be experiencing. That’s why when you see some patterns, it’s normal to worry about whether your grandkids may struggle with substance abuse. 

However, getting addiction help for adolescents can be as simple as starting a conversation with their parents and telling them about the signs you’ve noticed. From there, they can proceed to find their teenager reliable treatment options that can help them recover from their substance abuse issues. Comparatively, you can also bond with your grandkids in new hobbies that can distract them from their worrisome habits.

 Facing Cognitive Decline

Many seniors still have a strong grip on their cognitive abilities, but at some point, age threatens how much we can do on a day-to-day basis. This also contributes to a loss of independence in many seniors. However, you don’t need to let it all go, as there are activities that you can do to help ensure you retain your cognition for a good while. 

For instance, you can help keep your mind sharp by doing puzzles or start up a creative writing hobby. Keeping an active social life is also vital for a sound mind. Reach out to some of your friends in the neighborhood, and you’ll be amazed at how much they are willing to be involved in some social activities with you, too.

Staying Healthy and Fit

Fortunately, being a senior means we get lots of free time to engage in different activities that are beneficial to mind and body. As a senior, keeping a healthy system is as easy as incorporating a wide assortment of fruits and vegetables into your diet. Aim to eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy, complex carbohydrates.

Starting a gentle exercise regimen, like walking, can also be beneficial. Additionally, keeping in touch regularly with your doctor is very important. Being the health expert, they will provide you with the best medical advice suitable for your health history. By doing so, you can help ensure you stay healthy throughout your advanced years.

As a senior, it’s understandable to be concerned about your future, especially as you grow older. However, these days, more seniors than ever are healthy and spry — no matter their age! — and are taking the time to travel, visit with their friends and family, and experience everything life has to offer. By taking advantage of the resources available to you, and being mindful of your own limitations, you too can make the most out of your senior years!