Tips for Teaching Technology To Seniors

With an increased amount of staying in and limited interactions, it’s easy to feel isolated. This can feel especially true for people who do not have online communities or social platforms to turn to. Seniors are more likely to be offline, which can make the increase of staying indoors especially boring and lonely. Introduce your loved one to the beauty of interactive technology so they can keep entertained and in touch during this time. We’ve provided tips for teaching technology to seniors to help you prepare your lesson plan.

Make It Relevant

While instructing technology use to seniors, let them know how it can be useful to them. Relate the information to their life to encourage a genuine desire to learn it.

There are plenty of reasons seniors should want to take up technology. Social distancing in the digital age has led to an influx of video chatting and online streaming. Seniors can contact old friends, keep in touch with family, or stream their favorite TV show after grasping a few technology basics.

Before diving into the details, get an idea of where your lesson’s audience is at. Ask questions regarding technology to see which terms or devices they are familiar with and which they find more complicated. Moving forward, relate the material to concepts they already understand to minimize the learning curve.

Take It Slow

Learning technology can be overwhelming! There are lots of facets of smartphones, tablets, and even within apps. When teaching seniors, it is important to monitor your pace and make sure that everyone is up to speed with the tech lesson. Allow moments between steps for learners to comprehend what was relayed to them. This spare time also gives seniors the chance to ask any necessary questions while exploring their devices.

In addition to minding your pace, be cognizant of your tech jargon. Use consistent language and try to avoid using technical terminology in your instruction. Simplify the lesson to ensure that everyone has a basic understanding before moving on to more complex tech details.

One of the easier tips for teaching technology to seniors is to streamline processes when possible. Ease the steps to finding an available network by introducing a convenient Ethernet cable. The perks of an HDMI cable with Ethernet are that it nixes the abundance of cables for additional devices and increases Internet speed.

Enjoy The “Wow” Moments

When learning something new, it is important to celebrate the smallest of victories. If your learners send their own text, upload to Facebook, or just find the app they were looking for, you should praise them for their newfound skills. This builds confidence and entices them to learn more.

If you feel like you’re losing your audience, refer back to how technology can be beneficial to them. Instruct them on how to get a video chat going with a grandchild or friend to promote a moment of amazement. “Wow” moments are meaningful opportunities to let folks remember the purpose of learning technology.

How Seniors Can Integrate Joy Into Their Daily Routine

Life as an elderly individual is different for everyone. Some senior citizens still have the strength to run marathons, while others are facing illnesses that deteriorate their physical condition. No matter what the circumstance, it is important for senior citizens to find joy in their days. There are many unique ways that people practice joyfulness. In this article, we will discuss ways that senior citizens can integrate joy into their daily routine.

1. Gratitude

Practicing thankfulness is one of the easiest ways that people can integrate joy into their life. When you are a senior, you have likely had a plethora of different experiences. Take the time each day to recognize one thing you are grateful for. When you think about your blessings, reflect on something specific. Reminisce on a day 20 years ago when you shot the best golf round of your life. Think about the way that your dog wags his tail when he greets you at the door. Recognizing the beauty in small things will help you maintain a positive outlook on life.

2. Living In the Present

For people of all ages, living in the future or in the past can be damaging. When you are constantly reminiscing on the past or fretting about the future, it is difficult to stay present in your day to day life. When you focus on the day you are in, you can experience joy and satisfaction. When you are present, you begin to notice the beautiful colors of the flowers, the flavor in your favorite cup of coffee, and the kindness expressed in the people around you.

3. Find Community

Whether you have the ability to connect with others virtually or in-person, community is critical for a joyful mindset. When you are interacting with family and friends, you can experience laughter and life with others. Try having a weekly video chat with your grandchildren. If you have neighbors, sit socially distanced on the porch and drink your coffee together. Put an opportunity for interaction on your calendar each day. These small exchanges help bring joy into each moment.

4. Do What You Love

Identify the things that bring you joy. Is it taking care of herbs and plants? Do you love reading nonfiction novels? Do you appreciate having a cold drink with your friends? Make sure you continue doing the things you love throughout your entire lifetime. If you are transitioning into an assisted living facility but love having a place to make your own, consider Long House.  They offer comprehensive memory care while helping seniors thrive with appropriate independence and care. Many hobbies help to boost overall cognitive function.

5. Get Fresh Air

Whether you crack a window or go for a stroll, fresh air is good for the body and the brain. By getting a little bit of fresh air each day, you can stay refreshed and rejuvenated.


In your later years, it is important to reflect on all of the things you have to be grateful for. By engaging in your hobbies and getting fresh air, you can stimulate your cognitive function. When you practice gratitude and prioritize community, you begin seeing the joy in day to day life. By mindfully integrating joyful experiences into your daily agenda, you will savor each day that life has in store.

Breath in Our Lungs: Causes of Poor Indoor Air Quality

In the last months, more emphasis has been placed on senior respiratory health, and the battle is far from over. As we enter cold and flu season, there is a whole new host of enemies bent on attacking the respiratory health of our senior living facility residents. As directors and administrators, it’s our job to do what we can to keep the air in our facilities as clean as possible. Being aware of some of the major causes of poor indoor air quality can help in the fight to keep our residents healthy.

Harsh Cleaners

In our efforts to keep facilities as germ-free as possible, senior living facilities have taken on a more stringent cleaning routine. While this is important for resident safety, one should consider the impact many cleaners have on indoor air quality. Cleaners that include ammonia, bleach, or volatile organic compounds (or VOCs) such as furniture polish, air freshener, dishwashing soap, and glass cleaners can exasperate previous breathing issues such as asthma and can lead to the development of new chronic breathing issues.

When choosing cleaners for your facility, review the ingredients list, and consider buying more natural-based cleaners.


The building itself may be contributing to breathing issues, and many times these issues are exasperated by renovation projects in your facility. These are a few building projects that may cause poor indoor air quality.


Paints are a huge source of VOCs in buildings. This is true not only while paint is being applied, but even more so when the paint is drying. In fact, more VOCs are put in the air after painting is done. To reduce VOCs, follow best practices for indoor painting.  Keep areas being painted well-ventilated for several days following painting or consider buying low or no-VOC paints.


Carpet tends to hold more dust, allergens, and mold than other types of flooring if not regularly vacuumed. Even with regular vacuuming, most carpets are made with harsh chemicals that will end up in the air from the time that the carpet is installed. Consider using other flooring options, such as hard flooring, then add rugs that can be taken out of the space and cleaned. If carpet is being installed, make sure that the area is well ventilated.


Many older insulation materials have now been declared dangerous. Even ones that aren’t dangerous in themselves can become dangerous as they get older. If yours is an older building, see if you have any of the following types of insulation before doing renovation work that may require breaking into walls:

  • Horsehair
  • Asbestos
  • Urea Formaldehyde Foam 
  • Vermiculite
  • Fiberglass (loose or batt)


Mold is common in any indoor facility and can aggravate allergies and respiratory health. It thrives in humid, dark areas such as under sinks, in basements, and in bathrooms. Check these areas periodically for mold. Even if you don’t see mold, if residents have sudden, unexplained breathing issues, there may be a hidden infestation.

Here Are Three of the Most Difficult Transitions in the Life of Seniors

At what point does a person become a senior? Identifying the various stages of life are more difficult than ever. People are living longer and it becomes easier for people to deny that they are getting older and losing a step along the way. Everyone pretends to be young except the young.

People in their 30s want you to think of them as older, wiser, and more worthy of respect. But somewhere in their 40s, people start denying their age and doing their best to convince the world that they are not a day over 25. They do this even as the joints start to ache and their breath gets harder to catch during a daily run.

In one’s 50s, that daily run becomes a daily walk. You are no longer interested in running with the young bulls on the basketball court. Your doctor has you on the same cholesterol medicine your dad used to take. And for the first time, you start seriously wondering how many good years you have left.

You are still a long way from being a senior. Both men and women do everything in their power to put it off. But at some point, people start treating you like a senior. Strangers call you sir and ma’am. One day, someone makes the mistake of saying you are a handsome woman, or a distinguished gentleman. You notice that at the cash register, the twenty-something gave you the senior discount.

Before you know it, and very much against your objections to the contrary, you have become a senior. More difficult realities are ahead. Here are three you should know are on the way.

Driving Is a Riskier Proposition

You might have to surrender your driver’s license. People around you don’t want to say it out loud. But it is becoming obvious to everyone except you that you are not as good of a driver as you used to be.

Washington collision repair shops can help you deal with the body damage to the car from the occasional garbage can that snuck up on you when you backed out of the driveway. But there are bigger issues for you to worry about.

Despite being the safest drivers, seniors have the highest accident/death rate. Seniors wear their seatbelts, drive slower, and are least likely to drink and drive. But despite taking more precautions, senior driving is a riskier proposition.

All the driving tips in the world will not change the fact that your eyesight, reflexes, and other senses are not what they used to be. Consider transitioning into a driverless lifestyle. Your golden years will be just fine without the stress of driving.

Loss of Independence

At this stage of life, many seniors start clashing with their kids about selling the family home and moving into a full-time care facility. No senior wants to feel forced to get rid of a home they have worked for all their lives. Unfortunately, improving your daily life might include giving up a bit of independence.

Often, seniors downplay things like falling or confusion. But it can be a deadly oversight to forget taking your medicine as directed. Your kids have a right to be concerned about you. Letting them help you with some of these big decisions can not only prolong your life, it can improve your life.

You Are Not in Charge Anymore

Before you became a senior, you were a leader, perhaps even a master of industry. You have become used to people deferring to your expertise. Whether it should or not, all that is about to change. And younger, less experienced people are in charge, now.

This is a natural progression. Rather than trying to hang on to power at all costs, you have to accept and let go. Accepting the fact that someone else is in charge is not the end of an era. It is the beginning of one.

Transitions can be hard when we don’t want or ask for them. But aging comes to us all if we’re lucky. Like it or not, driving is riskier business. You will be less independent. And it is someone else’s turn to be in charge.

Retirement Fears and How to Prepare for Them

Retirement is a drastic change to any individual’s lifestyle. There are many who find meaning in the work that they do, and for those who have built their entire lives around their career, a sudden retirement may feel akin to a break-up.

Like many drastic changes, people who are heading into retirement are going to have many doubts, especially when many of their habits and routines are suddenly uprooted. In this article, we take a look at some of the top fears surrounding retirement, and how we can overcome them.

Loss of Income and Social Security

The most common fear most retirees experience is outliving their income, or worse, outliving their hard-earned savings. What makes this fear more intense is that there is an age bias in the workplace. Losing your source of income is one thing, but knowing that you’re going to have difficulty finding work again is another. Coupling this with the chance that your medical bill costs might rise as you age is bound to put a huge black cloud of worry over any retiree’s head.

While there was once a time when losing your social security during retirement would have been the stuff of myths, times have definitely changed since then. There’s news about the looming threat of pension plans going bankrupt, which means that you might not receive the benefits you were promised. 

The Antidote:

Face your fear. It’s important to get an accurate bearing of your situation and to make a retirement plan in order to safely prepare for when the day comes. You could work with a financial advisor to help you plan out your retirement. As a last resort, you can even consider working with a real estate financial auditor to determine the accurate value of your home should you decide to sell it. This doesn’t mean you’re going to be homeless; selling your home can provide you more money to work with just in case you lose your social security upon retirement.

Degradation of Health

The body gradually begins to weaken after a certain age. Both physical and mental health are bound to be impacted as retirement nears. This is especially true if you don’t have a healthy lifestyle to begin with, but the importance of self-care cannot be stressed enough during this stage. 

The Antidote:

Exercise regularly, go for medical check-ups, adapt to a healthier diet, and find hobbies and activities that make you happy. 

Empty Nest Syndrome

Contrary to popular belief, empty nest syndrome is not a disorder of any kind, but rather, it is a period that older adults go through. It is a highlight of loneliness and pain of loss that older adults experience when their children leave the home they grew up in and start relationships of their own.

The Antidote:

As painful as it may seem, empty nest syndrome has a rather simple solution. Stay in contact with your children. Invite them over for visits, and try to look on the bright side. Your kids may eventually have grandchildren, who would be a joy to have over at your home. 

As Epictetus once wrote: “We suffer more often in imagination than in reality.” With this in mind, retirees should try to pierce the veil of fear that clouds their judgment and paralyzes them. Fear is only a byproduct of being unprepared for an event. Any fear can be overcome through preparation and planning. With this in mind, stop worrying, and start preparing.

How to Improve Your Daily Life as an Older Adult

Life can become challenging with age, especially when physical limitations affect your ability to get out into the world. But that does not mean your life must be stagnant. Here is how to improve your daily life as an older adult.

Engage Your Body and Brain

With age, your mental and physical acuity will fade. However, your intentionality toward physical exercise and mental stimulation can maintain your capacities over time. Try to go out for a walk each day and perform other physical activities to strengthen your muscles. The simple act of exercising will keep your body stronger than if you only sit or lay down throughout the day. However, it is no secret that physical limitations exist, so don’t overextend yourself—only exercise as you are comfortable and able. You can also improve your mental sharpness with crossword puzzles, sudoku, brainteasers, and other puzzling activities. These will keep you on your toes and learning new things. Also, keep up reading as your eyes allow so that you continue to stimulate your brain with fresh ideas and stories.

Have a Daily Routine

Though it may sound counterintuitive to spice up your day by implementing a routine, this is a critical part of life as an older adult. Your physical limitations, aches, or other feelings may inhibit you from pushing yourself to do exercises, interact with others, or visit family and friends. The reality is that the importance of daily routines for seniors is incontrovertible. When you are accountable to yourself or a friend to get out of bed in the morning and complete a list of tasks throughout your day, you are more likely to have vigor, focus, and determination in your day-to-day life.

Find Ways To Help Others

The world is full of people in need and people who pass them by. As an older adult who is either in or entering retirement, you have ample time on your hands and wisdom to impart that can allow you to really make a difference in others’ lives. Seek out ways to help those who need it and meet their problems with your capacities. Consider volunteering at food banks or serving meals at homeless shelters. If you have limited mobility, think about writing letters to people in prison or volunteering at call centers for mental health needs. By serving and helping others, you will find purpose in your life beyond yourself and build a legacy in the community.

With these tips for how to improve your daily life as an older adult, you can begin this stage of life with focus and determination. Encourage others to join you in your journey toward routine and continue learning something new every day.

An Infographic Guide to Senior Care Options

Are you looking at long-term care options for yourself or a loved one? You’re not alone; in fact, data suggests seven out of ten people will require some form of long-term care in their life. There are actually five types of long-term care that offer a wide array of different services at varying price points.Depending on your unique needs, you may find that you only require a less intensive form of care such as adult daycare which costs about $20,000 a year and provides services including housekeeping, meal preparation, and assistance with activities of daily living such as using the bathroom, getting dressed, and bathing. For more intensive needs, you may be looking for a nursing home that can cost anywhere from $89,000 – $100,000 a year and offers 24-hour emergency care among other services. These represent the low and high ends of the care options, but there are several types of care that fall between in terms of costs and services offered.Even if you don’t need care now, having an understanding of these options can help you prepare in case the need ever arises. You don’t want to be caught off guard by something that can costs so much each year. Learn more about the different types of long-term care by checking out this infographic from Harbor Life Settlements which breaks down costs, services, and ways to pay for these types of care.

How to Help Families Feel Better About Assisted Living

One of the hardest parts of working with seniors is seeing how hard it is for adult children to move their parents into assisted living. Many of them experience a mixture of emotions that include worry, guilt, and uncertainty. They know it’s the right decision, but it’s difficult to see their loved one give up some measure of independence. You can’t take away their pain, but you can figure out how to help families feel better about assisted living while they transition to a new reality.

All these ideas offer chances to bond, but depending on the senior’s health—and the state of the world—it may not be in person. All these tips are just as effective via phone calls, video calls, care packages, and socially distant visits when possible. Their physical safety is just as important as their emotional adjustment.

Turn To Technology

Everyone loves a new gadget, as long as it’s not too complicated. Tell families about the latest technology that can help with their loved one’s care—both for that person’s safety and their ability to feel connected to the outside world. Large-screen visuals like video conferencing make the connection feel more human than a phone call can. There are endless improvements for protecting seniors, so show them how a digital pill dispenser can prevent mistakes. Little things can give families more peace of mind. Many of the newest innovations prioritize voice activation, so seniors can take advantage of the new technology without feeling intimidated.

Give Them Some Structure

Make sure they utilize any community programming together by helping them put together a schedule and a calendar. Families can feel part of their grandparents’ day-to-day lives when they know what they’re doing. Help them schedule weekly plans together so that too much time doesn’t go by between check-ins. When it’s safe for kids to visit, there are plenty of activities to keep them active while they get to know the older generation. Ask about what their loved one liked to do in their former home so that you can include those hobbies in the schedule, too. Adjusting to assisted living means holding onto beloved traditions as they create new ones, and you can show them how.

Make Their Home Their Own

A new living space can feel scary, but it’s also a fresh start. Suggest that families get involved in decorating their loved one’s new surroundings. The transition is easier with a balance between familiar objects with meaning and updated touches for the future. A resident will relax with their own bed linens but will appreciate the comfort and benefits of an upgraded mattress. Help plan a shopping outing for new appliances that will improve their daily routines. Introduce them to neighbors who can share how they make their places homey. Ask families for the meaning behind some of the keepsakes displayed, and then have the senior expand on the stories. The best theories of how to help families feel better about assisted living emphasize the possibilities ahead while respecting where they came from.

Why Seniors Should Play Crossword Puzzles

Have you ever wondered why simple activities can be full of fun?  Exploring a crossword dictionary is a perfect example of fun. The best part is crossword puzzles are enjoyable for all age groups, and even seniors find these puzzles a worthwhile activity to pass the time.

When we age, we focus on our physical health, but we need to focus on our mental health too. For keeping the mind active, we need to engage in brainstorming. There can be nothing more entertaining for the mind than the crossword clues and puzzle.

Let us explore the benefits crossword puzzles have for the elderly.

Benefits of crossword puzzles for the elderly

Helps boost your memory

When you do a crossword puzzle, it gives you a nostalgia boost. There is no denying the fact that nostalgia can play a crucial role in maintaining the health of the brain. What happens is that when we try connecting with our past, it strengthens the neural connections.

Words are quite powerful. When we search for a particular word in our memory, we go back in time. Whenever you are looking for a word, you often associate it with a particular event or person. As a result, what you experience at the end of the day is memory boost.

Gives you a reason to socialize

When we reach old age, socialization can tend to decrease, but we still yearn to interact with people around us. Crossword puzzles can give you a fun reason to engage with friends and other individuals and experience the joy and satisfaction of solving problems together.

Facilitates in achieving a stress-free environment

Aging brings its own stresses. The problematic part is that stress is not healthy, especially for seniors. When you play games like crossword puzzles, it helps to break free from the stressful chain. Your mind tends to relax, helping you feel better. You can even use a word scrambler tool to help you solve the crossword puzzles.

The crucial aspect is that our learning should not stop at any age. When seniors play crosswords, it helps to develop and expand their vocabulary, giving them a sense of accomplishment.

Another benefit of crossword puzzles is that such games protect your aging brain. When people have high cognitive engagement, it helps in preventing the deposition of beta-amyloid. As a result, the progression of Alzheimer’s disease can be halted.

If you want to lead a healthy life, then participate in activities that make you happy. Invest time in playing crossword puzzles to help you feel younger, more revitalized, and more fulfilled.

Events to Hold at Your Senior Care Facility

Holding events is a great way to involve your residents in their senior care community, plus they can act as a promotional tool for administrators. Private events allow residents to feel like a part of a larger community, build new friendships, and develop interests in new hobbies. You can then advertise these events to pique the interest of potential new residents, or your senior care facility can hold public events to increase local community outreach.

Here are a few examples of events to hold at your senior care facility.

A Car Show

For your residents with a passion for classic, antique, or vintage cars, bring the cars to them with a parking lot car show. Since you must hold this event outside, it’s a relatively safe option that will still allow you to maintain social distance. You can even utilize a car show as a public event for fundraising and spreading your senior care facility’s message to the community. You may even collect some leads from interested parties.

A Holiday Party

Holidays can be difficult for residents who don’t have much family around. Spread the holiday spirit by hosting a Thanksgiving dinner or a Christmas movie marathon throughout December.

A Speaking Series

Hosting a speaking series on various topics is a great event to hold at your senior care facility. Look for speakers who will discuss topics your residents may be interested in, including physical health, financial stability, or family-related topics.

Hosting a speaker is also a great way to draw in your target audience from the community. Open your event up to the public to signify your facility as a resource for local seniors. As with any other event, make sure to follow social distancing guidelines when opening events to the public and cap off the audience for speaking events per the appropriate gathering restrictions.

Art Classes

As with the previously listed events, art classes can give your residents something new and exciting to do and can draw in local community members at the same time. You can even host art classes through Zoom to keep residents and community members safe.