7 Warning Signs of Declining Mental Health in Elderly Loved Ones

With mental health issues on the rise in the United States, people are attempting to regain control of their mental state one therapy session at a time. One group heavily affected by the growing rates of cognitive disabilities and concerns are senior citizens. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) states at least 20 percent of citizens over the age of 55 suffer from mental deficits, many of which go untreated due to misdiagnosis and stigmatization.

Seniors are considered high-risk for mental health deficits due to complications regarding chronic illnesses, losing loved-ones, medical side-effects, and decreased mobility. Each condition comes with its own set of complications and difficulties, often resulting in stress, anxiety, and depression. To help your elderly loved one alleviate symptoms of mental distress, listen to their specific needs, build them a balanced routine, and treat declining mental health symptoms immediately.

If you cannot manage and treat mental deficits on your own, try enrolling your loved one in mental health recovery programs and pass the reins to professional caretakers to increase their odds of improved health conditions and quality of life.

Signs of mental decline

Understanding the many warning signs of declining mental health in seniors is critical to treatment and recovery. Luckily, there are numerous methods available to ease discomfort and mitigate negative symptoms.

Social Isolation

One of the first manifestations of elderly mental health decline is isolation. If your loved one has gone from conversational and outgoing to distant and removed, it may be time to assess their cognitive abilities with the help of a trusted physician. Although isolating from family, friends, and cohorts may be a temporary behavioral shift, more often than not, it points to more pressing health concerns, like debilitating mood disorders or cognitive disabilities.

Emotional instability

Angry outbursts, prolonged irritability, and depressive episodes are all symptoms of declining mental health in seniors. Although some emotional variation is healthy and normal, extreme anger, anxiety, or depression should not be taken lightly. Unstable emotional health can lead to physical endangerment and shed light on more severe ailments, like dementia or Alzheimer’s.

Memory loss

There is a common misconception that all elderly folks have bad memory. While this can be accurate for some seniors, memory loss is often an indicator for more significant, pressing problems. Dementia, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s disease are all ailments that decrease cognitive function, specifically memory functions.

Decreased personal care

As your loved one gets older and less mobile, their ability to care for themselves may diminish. Personal care declines are often indicators of mental health issues and behavioral disorders, like depression, anxiety, or deteriorating cognitive diseases. If your senior loved one shows signs of significant capabilities—like a lack of personal hygiene or visible bruising—consider seeking medical advice to diagnose and safely manage disordered symptoms correctly.

Mental confusion

Seniors experiencing declining mental health often encounter jarring bouts of mental confusion that can leave them feeling lost and at risk for injury. Although elders may have moments of memory failure, extreme mental breakdowns can indicate the progression of more severe cognitive disabilities. If your loved one is experiencing delusions, seeing hallucinations, or speaking incoherently, it may be time to talk with a doctor about potential treatments and a diagnosis.

Trouble keeping routine

Often, independent seniors rely on consistent, easy-going schedules to keep busy and motivated. Unfortunately, a common symptom of mental decline is a scattered routine. Confusion at once-simple daily, habitual tasks could be a cause for concern if your loved one has been previously conscious and competent.

Having a firm grasp of the various mental decline symptoms within senior communities is critical when choosing the best plan of action for your loved one. Keep a detailed account of any behavioral shifts, mood irregularities, or drastic changes to appearance to provide your loved one with adequate care and improve their overall health.

7 Benefits of Matcha Tea for Senior Citizens

You might have heard about how green tea is healthy for drinking and about its health benefits. There’s also matcha which is very famous for its health benefits, especially for older people.

What’s the difference between green tea and matcha? They are both from the same plant called Camellia Sinensis the only difference is that matcha is the more concentrated version of that plant while green tea is a diluted one. Matcha comes in the form of fine powder while green tea comes inside tea bags and both have grassy undertones while matcha has a much richer flavour. There are a number of Matcha Tea brands available in the market. You can check out this list of best matcha green tea powder available at Reviewsxp.com

Since matcha is more concentrated and you consume it in a powdered form, only ½ to 1 teaspoon per cup every day is enough for you to stay healthy. Which brings us to the question, what health benefits for senior citizens do matcha really have?

Let’s have a look at the 7 benefits of matcha tea for senior citizens.

1.    Stress and Anxiety Relief

Matcha has high levels of caffeine, theanine, and arginine which help in stress and anxiety reduction.

Most of the daily health issues seen in senior citizens are mostly back pain, migraines, etc. which are mostly caused by stress and anxiety. That’s where matcha helps.

It helps calm your body and mind hence reducing your stress and resulting in better mental health.

2.    Slows the Aging Process and Decreases Negative Weight

Matcha helps you get better digestion hence helping you get better nutrient absorption.And when your body nutrient absorption is better you’re healthier and have more energy.

Matcha also contains fibre in a considerable amount which also helps to decrease negative weight. That’s because fibre is a fat burner that helps in better blood circulation which in turn results in better blood sugar and reduces the risk of diabetes and other health conditions.

Several studies have shown that green tea reduces body weight and helps maintain it. Most of them focus on green tea extract but since matcha comes from the same plant and should have the same effect.

3.    Bolsters Immune System

Elderly people need to keep their immune system as healthy as possible, mostly because of the pandemic. They’re more prone to catching new diseases and flu than any of us.

Matcha tea helps in that. It improves the body’s ability to fight diseases and the catechins and L-theanine it has helped to fight fly and other diseases.

 4.    Promotes heart health

Several studies show that drinking green tea may help your heart against diseases Green tea has helped reduce the cholesterol levels of several people, as per studies, it has also reduced their risks of heart diseases and strokes making it a great and healthy choice.

And since matcha is from the same plant it will have the same effects. So drinking a cup of matcha daily will help senior citizens reduce risks of heart diseases.

 5.    Increases Brain Functions

Several studies have shown that matcha increases one’s attention span, memory, and reaction time. Specially in order people, it has been proven to increase their brain functions.

It’s because matcha has caffeine L-theanine which helps improve several aspects of our brains.

Matcha also has antioxidants known to counter the effects of memory loss which is the problem that senior citizens face usually. So matcha helps to reduce the risks of dementia as well.

6.    Arthritis

Matcha tea has several antioxidants that help reduce inflammation and hence is an effective remedy for the reduction of several arthritis related inflammations. They help slow down cartilage breakdown as well which also helps in the reduction of inflammations.

Therefore it’s proven that matcha tea is very effective in the reduction of arthritis pain, sometimes better.

 7.    Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

Since matcha tea helps with memory loss and dementia, it also helps senior citizens to counter the effects of Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s.

The antioxidant-rich polyphenols help protect the brain from long term memory loss if matcha is consumed regularly. Hence, matcha tea helps counter both – Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.


These were just a few of the benefits of matcha tea. One cup a day will keep you healthy and help counter numerous possible diseases.

The benefits of matcha tea are greater than any other drink you can find out there. Consuming matcha regularly for a senior citizen will be the best prevention against diseases they can get which helps them in many ways than they can count.

5 Tips to Save Money in Retirement

Unprecedented hard times are difficult to anticipate and can take a real hit on your savings. This is why you should start considering saving for retirement early. The sooner you start, the easier time you will have adjusting to unexpected financial hardships. In this article, we can provide some tips and tricks on how to save money for retirement and how to cut costs.

#1 – Cut Back on Unnecessary Spending

Try to find ways you can cut back on costs. Effective ways of doing this are looking into your insurance policies and seeing what sort of discounts they offer. There are several hidden discounts you may be eligible for. If your company doesn’t offer you many, then take a look at their competitors and compare car insurance quotes and other types of insurance that those companies offer and see which ones better suit your needs. 

You can also save money by eating out less and spending more money on homemade lunches. Take a look at the things you spend money on and see where you can save on some expenses. The more you save, the more you can put in for retirement. Any amount of money is helpful.

#2 – Automate Your Savings

There are many savings accounts out there that allow you to make automatic payments to them. Chances are these savings will also give you benefits for doing automatic payments such as matching contributions you make or sometimes having interest that grows over time. 

Another added benefit is if you set one up early, it will slowly start to grow over time without you having to think about it. Just be sure to up the amount you contribute to your savings as your financial situation grows. 

#3 – Budget and Open an IRA

Use a retirement calculator to figure out how much you need and learn how to set a retirement budget. Setting up a budget and goals is a great way to have a solid idea of what you are working toward and allows you to set benchmarks along the way. Overall, you will be far more satisfied than having a nebulous goal and a vague idea of what you can achieve. 

With all of that in mind, setting up an individual retirement account (IRA) is a great way to start building your savings. You have a few options on what sort of account to go for. There is the traditional IRA and the Roth IRA. Determining which one works for you depends on a few factors.

The traditional IRA is based on your income and is beneficial if you or a partner or spouse have a workplace retirement plan. This plan is sometimes tax-deductible, and it can grow tax-deferred over time until you start making withdrawals from it. 

If you meet certain income limits, though, a Roth IRA may be more beneficial. You fund these with after-tax contributions and once you reach a certain age, they are free from federal taxes and sometimes state taxes as well.

#4 – Use a 401(k) and Match Your Employer

With a 401(k) you can contribute pre-tax money to a savings plan. This can add up to be a significant contribution. Since federal tax money is not taken out of what you contribute to the 401(k), you can put in far more money to the savings without it having as significant of an impact on your monthly take-home pay. 

If your employer offers you a Roth IRA 401(k) then the money added to this account is your income as an after tax contribution. As such, you will need to adjust according to how much is usually taken out of your paycheck in taxes when estimating how much money to invest in this account. Another thing to note is your 401(k) usually follows you after you leave your job.

Also, many employers may offer to match the amount you put into your 401(k) with their contribution. Take full advantage of this if your employer offers it. So if your employer offers to match up to 5 percent of your income to your 401(k), then put in as much as 5 percent of your income into it. This way you receive the full benefit offered to you.

#5 – Start Early on Savings

Of course, the best advice is to start saving for retirement as early as possible. A benefit of doing this is you can start gaining compound interest on your savings accounts. The sooner you start, the more you will gain down the line. You will also be open to more opportunities to invest in bonds and other kinds of earnings that can help you in the long run. 

You will also have more opportunities to stash any extra funds you make. If you ever find yourself with extra money in your monthly payments — maybe you received a raise or you were given a tax break — consider taking half of it and putting it toward retirement. You can still use the other half to treat yourself to something nice, but having some forethought for later may spare you financial hardship down the road. 

These are essential retirement tips, and doing all of these will help you delay tapping into your Social Security right away. The later you can delay using your Social Security benefits, the more you will be able to gain out of it. Technically, you can start using your Social Security benefits by the age of 62. The longer you wait to use it, the larger your monthly payments will be, though. 

Savings Tips to Remember

Be sure to start your savings early. The earlier you start, the more benefits you reap. Look into ways to cut costs.

You don’t have to wait until you are 80 to do this either. You can start now. And as always, use whatever extra money you make or find yourself with and put it into your savings.

Brennan Lingo writes and researches for the car insurance comparison site, 
CheapCarInsuranceQuotes.com. He specializes in finance and insurance.

A Guide to Managing Your Finances on a Fixed Income

In life, it is very important to save money because we never know exactly what will happen. The problem is that we often end up living really stressful lives and it becomes very difficult to properly handle finances. Fortunately, this is a lot easier when we take into account a few very simple tips. Use them to jumpstart your road to a more stable financial future.

Calculate Your Exact Income

Most people think they know exactly how much money they make because their income is fixed but that is not always true. Often, there are many other sources of income that we end up neglecting. At the same time, fixed income can vary from month to month. This does sound illogical but think about the extra hours spent at work. They add to your fixed income and do vary from month to month.

At the same time, it is absolutely necessary that you list down all the sources of income. This includes little extra jobs and contracts. The more you know your income, the easier it is to create a good working monthly budget.

Be Aware Of Bills

You need to create a very good budget that will list every single one of your bills. Make a list with everything that you spend money on, ranging from cable bills to insurance.

For every single bill that you pay, make sure that you know exactly how much it sums up to. There are some bills that vary from month to month. In this case, just calculate a yearly average. Use that as being a monthly expense that you add to your budget.

Pay Money To Save Money

This is something few people understand about creating a monthly financial budget. The goal is to end up with more money at the end of the month. In order to do this, you need to take into account the situations in which you could save more by paying more.

A great example of this is buying an extended warranty policy for a vehicle. Read A Buyer’s Guide: Choosing The Right Extended Warranty For Your Vehicle. You will quickly realize that a few small monthly payments can help you save a lot in the long run.

List Your Needs

One of the best tips about creating a personal financial budget is to do it in January. This lets you plan for the entire year. The point is that all financial plans have to be based on a long-term analysis. In that plan, make sure that you include everything that you will need, like saving money, animal feed, car maintenance, boat maintenance, child clothes, homeschool materials, field trips, medical expenses, haircuts, birthdays, Christmas, and vacations, but only if money is left.

When you create a list, you figure out what you have to incorporate in your budget and what is not actually a need. You will not be blindsided by some things that you really need and you cannot have.

Get Ready For Debt Payments

If you have to deal with debt, try to prioritize removing this unnecessary stress factor. Always do all that you can to carry just minimal debt and it will be a lot easier to be financially independent. When your debt is low, it is so much easier to pay bills and you can even end up with higher savings.

Unfortunately, in most cases, people do not know much about debt repayment. They think it does not matter what payment is done first. In reality, the best approach is to pay off your higher monthly debt payment first. If you manage to repay your larger debt, you end up with more money that you can use for other purposes every single month.

Hire A Financial Advisor

Financial advisors know what it takes to properly manage a budget. They are educated to help you and there is no reason why you should not hire one. The trick is to find one that is experienced and honest. In order to do this, all you have to do is to read reviews written by people that actually worked with them. If you cannot find such information, the best thing you can do is to ask for references. Any good financial advisor will have references that you can contact.

How Seniors Can Make Their Home More Comfortable

No matter how old you are, there is nothing like relaxing in the calming embrace of home. This is a feeling that never fades away yet can become difficult to recreate as we move through the different stages of life. For those moving into an assisted living facility, this transition can be even more jarring; but things can be done to get that feeling back. Here are four ways how seniors can make their home more comfortable.

Prevent Trips

One of the difficult realities of aging is the loss of strength and dexterity that we used to take for granted. This can be an especially tough pill to swallow for those who value their independence but must now rely on the assistance of others in their day-to-day lives. One way to help preserve your health is to take steps to prevent trips in the home. This can be done by decluttering items you don’t need any longer and moving large items to create large pathways to walk through. You should also remove throw rugs, cords, cables, and other tripping hazards throughout your home.

Improve the Lighting

Just as important in preventing trips but also worthy of its own category, another way how seniors can make their home more comfortable is to improve the lighting situation. As our bodies continue to age, our eyesight can deteriorate, but installing additional high-quality lighting can counteract some of the effects of vision problems. Putting bright lights in dark corridors like hallways and stairwells can reduce instances of tripping or running into furniture.

Update the Furniture

Sometimes with the loss of strength, it can become difficult to stand up from a sitting or lying position. Fortunately, furniture can be modified to make the process easier. There are mattresses available that are adjustable to help aid sleep as well as getting in and out of bed. There are also many motorized recliners that help with standing up from a sitting position.

Personalize the Bathroom

Creating a personalized bathroom that is catered to each person’s needs will make the home feel much more comfortable. Installing grab bars next to the toilet and in the shower will help prevent falls. It’s also smart to put a bench in the bathtub to go along with an anti-slip mat.

Benefits of Seniors Owning Pets

Life as you age can tend to get more difficult. There is no doubt that loneliness can set in as people you love pass away or your family moves farther from you.

Being lonely may not immediately raise any red flags, but there are negative side effects that could possibly stem from it. Stroke, depression, and heart attacks are just some of the symptoms that can accompany being lonely for an extended period of time. 

Many people in their older age may not immediately consider the idea, but getting a pet for companionship is a great way to help combat the loneliness they may be feeling.

Of course, getting a pet can be a big commitment. There are many things that may cause you concern, such as how you will clean your home and car while owning a pet. Animals can make a mess sometimes, and many do have a tendency to shed, which can cause a much bigger need to clean.

However, the benefits of pet ownership typically far outweigh the concerns.

Physical Benefits

As a senior, there are many health concerns that arise as you age. However, a great way to help your physical health may be owning a pet. Animals can provide many physical health benefits. 

Owning a pet can help with:

  • Improved mobility – Walking or playing with a furry friend can greatly increase your mobility from repetitive movements.
  • Lowering blood pressure – Petting or cuddling with your companion is shown to reduce stress, which in turn does wonders for your blood pressure.
  • Reduced risk of heart disease – Similar to lowering blood pressure, animal interaction can also lower heart rates, which can lead to lower chances of heart disease.
  • Increased exercise – Having a pet encourages you to exercise, either by walking them routinely or getting up to give them some attention and playtime.

Mental Benefits

Having a pet stems beyond just physical health benefits. Animal companions also help greatly with mental health.

Having a furry friend can:

  • Lower stress levels – Animals bring us a sense of relaxation when they are near. Interaction with a pet can release oxytocin, which in turn helps lower stress levels.
  • Decrease feelings of loneliness – Having a pet can greatly reduce the feelings of loneliness that may come with older age. Pets provide a strong sense of companionship to their owners.
  • Increase social interaction – Pets may provide more companionship than just themselves as well. People who own pets are more likely to meet new people through conversation starters and shared social settings.
  • Increase comfort – Animals bring a strong sense of comfort to their owners when something difficult happens. Whether it be an emotional struggle or physical, having a companion can provide much comfort in hard times.What to Consider Before Choosing a Pet

All the benefits of pet ownership sound wonderful, but there are also factors to consider before going off to purchase your new companion. Pets have many needs, and before making the commitment you should consider whether you will be able to fulfill their needs.

Daily Maintenance

Pets bring so much joy, but they also have needs of their own. One is that most pets will require daily maintenance. Dogs will need to be fed and given fresh water daily, as will cats.

They will also need interaction from you on a daily basis. Dogs need frequent walks, to be taken outside, and play time. Cats will need stimulation and play time.

There is also the cleaning. Dogs will need their feces disposed of, whether right after they go or frequently if you have the yard space to let them outside. Cats will need frequent litter box cleanings.


Pets can be costly, which is something to keep in mind before choosing to adopt. Things such as adoption fees, vet bills, pet supplies, and grooming can all add up.

Outside of the routine costs, pets can also have unexpected problems, just as we do as humans. If you decide to get a pet, you should be prepared for the possibility that they may have unexpected costs.

An easy way to mitigate the financial expense of having a pet is purchasing pet insurance. There are different policies available that provide coverage for unexpected pet expenses. Some car insurance policies even include pet coverage.


Before bringing home a pet, consider the living situation. If your home does not have a fenced yard and you live in a climate where it gets cold, you may need to take your dog out in freezing temperatures to use the restroom. 

If this is something you are not prepared to do, choosing a pet that doesn’t need to be let outside would be a wiser option.

Making sure your living space is appropriate for the pet you choose is a large factor. 

How to Choose the Right Pet

If you have decided everything lines up and you are ready for a furry friend to keep you company, it is important to choose one that works well for you.


A dog is a great choice for someone who is not limited in their mobility or looking to improve their mobility. Since dogs require more exercise than other pets, they are best suited for someone who is able to meet those needs.

There are many dog breeds to choose from, with many different personality types. Do some research on breed specifics, and you can be sure to find one that is perfect for you. 

Don’t forget! You can also search your local animal shelter for a canine companion. Shelters will typically have a wide variety of dogs for you to choose from.


Cats can be a great option for a senior who struggles with mobility or does not have outdoor space.

Since cats don’t need to be let outside, they are relatively low maintenance when it comes to mobility needs. Just be sure you are able to clean their litter box frequently and provide them with fresh food, water, and some stimulation throughout the day.

The life of a cat can even be made easier if you prepare some cat diapers! Then you won’t have to worry about fecal & urinary incontinence, spaying incontinence, or heat cycle issues.

Birds or Small Rodents

Pets such as birds, hamsters, or guinea pigs can be lower maintenance options for seniors who don’t want to overwhelm themselves. These animals don’t require much space and simply need feedings, water, and cage cleanings.

They can provide just as much companionship as a cat or dog, with typically less maintenance.


Fish are extremely low maintenance pet options. They need a small feeding each day and their tank water cleaned. Outside of that, there is not much they require. 

Fish are a great option for someone who needs routine in their life but may have trouble with a more high-maintenance pet.

Enjoy Your New Companion

If you have decided a pet is the best option for you in your senior years, you will surely be happy with the love and companionship they bring. 

It’s true, pets can take a lot of work. But if you are able to care for them, the benefits they bring can far outweigh the maintenance. From helping you stay physically fit to keeping your mental health strong, having a furry friend in your home can certainly fill many needs you may have.

About the Author: Alexandra Arcand writes and researches for the insurance comparison site, USInsuranceAgents.com and loves animals. She has five pets of her own who she spoils every day.


Helping Your Loved One Acclimate to Nursing Home Living

Transitioning your aging loved one from in-home care to a nursing facility can be an emotionally-draining process—one many loved ones tend to put off. Avoid unnecessary chaos and grief by understanding the signs of mental and physical decline and discussing your loved one’s care before injury or outburst. Suppose you notice that your elderly loved ones have a track record of skipping meals regularly, forgetting medication, taking constant spills, or showing signs of mental confusion and delirium. In that case, it may be time to hand the torch over to nursing facility specialists.

From the outside looking in, aging-in-place may seem like the preferred, more comfortable option for struggling seniors. However, you may find assisted living facilities’ benefits too good to ignore as you investigate further. Accessible senior living centers can offer your loved one a safe and comfortable residence equipped with hands-on help for day-to-day strains, personalized rehabilitation programs, and a diverse community to soothe feelings of isolation.

Ensure a seamless and guilt-free transition by adequately preparing your loved one for this new stage of life.

What to pack

Just like high school seniors sorting through unnecessary belongings in preparation for dorm life, senior citizens moving into assisted living facilities should also assess which beloved knickknacks can feasibly fit in their new space. Everyday basics like personal hygiene products, prescribed medications, a cell phone for seniors—enabling external communication—and a flashy outfit or two are a must. Along with the necessities, plan to move personal items, like family photos, meaningful heirlooms, a well-loved quilt, or—if the facility permits—a lounge chair for optimal comfort and respite.

Build a foundation

Seniors transitioning from at-home care to a nursing facility may experience emotional discomfort as they distance themselves from friends and family. Avoid this potential hurdle by visiting often and filling in nursing staff on your loved one’s quirks, personal favorites, and other important background information. Sprinkle in details—like a favorite snack or fun nickname—to help facility caretakers understand your loved one’s personality. That way, nursing home staff can provide your loved one with a home away from home.

Give them a say

Although your caring concern is appreciated and integral in the transition to assisted living facilities, ensuring your loved one maintains as much autonomy as possible is crucial. If they’re of sound mind, allow them to make everyday decisions. After all, it’s their health on the table.

If you have to maintain control for their own safety, inform your elderly loved ones of the gravity of the situation when making life-altering decisions. Along those same lines, ensure you maintain consistent communication. Keeping your loved one in the loop minimizes transitional shock and grants these seniors a sense of control.

Encourage community participation

Encouraging your loved one to participate in local senior life is an excellent route to acclimation.  Nursing home staff often organize events and provide opportunities for community engagement and connection.

If your elderly loved one is wary of attending, tag along to relieve feelings of discomfort. Support your senior’s socialization efforts as they learn new hobbies, eliminate feelings of isolation, and create lasting friendship bonds.

Make it their home

Designing a customized safe space conducive to relaxation is imperative to your elderly loved one’s emotional well-being. Depending upon individual medical conditions, rooms may be equipped with equipment and machines, giving the space a hospital-like feel.

For those unfamiliar with nursing home living, these medical-equipment-filled spaces can be jarring, especially in contrast to previous family homes. Spruce up their living spaces with personalized decor, souvenirs, and family photos for a more personal feel.


Sending your loved one to a nursing home is not an easy decision to make. However, the specialized care these facilities offer may be just the thing to increase their quality of life. Take the time to research assisted living facilities specializing in home-like caretaking to ensure the senior citizens in your immediate network can live their remaining years to the fullest.

Ways to Enhance Staff Communication in a Nursing Home

The residents of your nursing home deserve the best care available to them from staff and administration who care about their health. If a long-term care facility lacks communication skills among its staff and administration, it can lead to chaos and frustration among everyone involved—other staff members, residents, and family members. Provide your employees with the best tools and knowledge for effective ways to enhance staff communication in a nursing home and your residents will enjoy the rest of their sunset years at the facility.

Step Up Nurse Training

Your nurses are a crucial part of how well the long-term care facility runs day after day. A bad day for the faculty or poor training reflects negatively on your nursing home. To keep residents happy and healthy, it’s essential to prioritize staff communication during training.

Not only do your staff members need to practice once during training, but they also need refreshers over the course of the years that they work for your care facility. Try the following training exercises to prepare your nurses with the communication skills they need to succeed:

Clearly Discuss a Resident’s Needs During Care Transfer

During the inevitable situation in which a resident’s care becomes a different nurse’s responsibility, it’s essential that the two nurses are able to discuss everything that the resident requires. Everything from resident quirks to medication must be covered in conversation.

When possible or appropriate, get the resident involved with this process as well. Provide the resident with the right gateways to talk about their needs with both their previous caretaker and new caretaker.

Emphasize Teamwork

Nursing homes require every employee to work together as a team; any competition can prove dangerous for the facility. Emphasize nurses helping nurses. If any staff member has questions or concerns about a resident, ensure that they have means to communicate with other caretakers rather than attempting to solve the problem on their own. Team-building games and exercises can help nurses feel comfortable around their peers and open the floor to communication.

Ensure the Facility Provides Ample Communication Tools

Communication often falls apart at longer distances. Prevent lapses in staff communication by providing your staff with work cellphones or by installing a two-way radio system. As one of the best ways to enhance staff communication in a nursing home, a system of two-way radios offers long-lasting communication without the use of cellphones while at work.

If using work cellphones, it’s important to make sure that cell signals reach all areas of the facility. Not only will improving the cell range in the long-term care facility enhance staff communication, but it will also ensure all residents have the cell range they need to communicate with staff and family. Better communication for staff and residents results in happier clients and even more elated families.

7 Ways Seniors Can Prevent Slip, Trip, and Fall Accidents

According to research, falls are the leading cause of fatal and non-fatal injuries for seniors above 65. It can result in injuries such as hip fractures, concussions, and broken bones. If you have a senior member of your family or you work at a retirement home, you should take steps to ensure that falls and trips are minimized. Here are some of the best practices you can implement to prevent accidents at home and keep the senior members of your community safe from fall accidents.

1.    Clear clutter

As we grow older and our muscles shrink, our sense of balance deteriorates. For this reason, you should keep hallways, corridors, and paths clear of any clutter in case you are housing a senior person. Clutter such as phone cords, banana peelings, pet bowls, and electric wires are some of the common causes of trips and falls at home.

2.    Keep floors dry

Apart from clearing clutter, you should always ensure that floors are dry and any spills are wiped immediately. Slip, trip, and fall accidents are the most common accidents in senior living facilities and are mostly caused by clutter or slippery floors. If your elderly parent had a fall accident that you believe resulted from a senior living facility’s negligence, be sure to consult a personal injury attorney like levarlaw.com to help you get compensation.

3.    Improve the lighting systems

Seniors struggle with weaker vision, and their residences should be well lit to provide safety when moving around. Light switches should be easy to reach.

4.    Exercise regularly

Exercises are ideal for keeping body muscles healthy and balanced. Seniors should engage in activities such as swimming, walking, jogging, and dancing.

5.    Use assistive devices

At some stage in their life, elders will lose their ability to support their body weight, and at this stage, you should provide them with support structures such as a walking stick. Pathway points such as staircases should have supportive rails, while bathrooms should have grab bars.

6.    Regular checkups

Seniors should have regular medical checkups to ascertain the condition of their eyesight and hearing. The auditory system controls balance and coordination on the brain, and an infection can significantly influence the elder’s ability to keep their body balance. Poor eyesight also contributes to poor judgment when moving about, which can result in falls. In case an elderly person under your care is experiencing visual impairment related signs, you should consult an optician immediately.

7.    Be aware of the effects of medication

Most seniors are under medical prescriptions that boost their wellbeing. Sometimes, the medicine can have adverse side effects such as drowsiness and dizziness, resulting in loss of balance. It is advisable to consult with a doctor in case of such effects set in.

8.    Proper footwear

A senior’s footwear should have a solid gripping sole and fit firmly and comfortably. You should encourage seniors to avoid wearing high heels, flip flops, slippers, or shoes without back support.


Seniors are susceptible to fall and slip related accidents due to their old age. However, these accidents can be avoided by keeping their environment safe and free of risk factors.

How Caregivers Can Support Seniors Suffering from Arthritis

Arthritis is a leading cause of disability for young and old folk alike and is often one of the many inevitable side effects of aging. Operating as an umbrella term for joint-related conditions, arthritis affects millions of people—disproportionately elderly folks.

Although a natural aging process, joint wear-and-tear often causes excessive amounts of pain and persistent aches, leaving afflicted elders with mobility complications and a newfound need for physical assistance. Common arthritis-related health complications include hip, knee, wrist, and hand pain and immobility.

This arthritis-related discomfort renders daily functions—like walking or eating—and menial tasks—like household cleaning and basic hygiene— tedious and exhausting. Additionally, independence is often lost, resulting in understandably frustrated elders who are left, sometimes helplessly, to deal with the physical and emotional side-effects of arthritis.

Give your loved ones the help they need by listening to their specific needs, offering assistance, and steering them in the direction of useful resources if you can’t provide them the hands-on care they require.

Coming to terms with your loved-ones declining health

Caretakers must apply due diligence in understanding when assisted living admittance is non-negotiable and necessary. Although difficult to accept, your loved one may need additional or more specialized treatment than you can provide.

Caring for a mobility-restricted elder can range from small, helpful tasks to round-the-clock, intensive caretaking. Sometimes, both parties’ best option is admittance to assisted-living facilities or use other care services. Relinquishing care and control can ensure your loved one gets the professional, specialized care they deserve.

Step into your loved-ones shoes

Often, family, friends, and even caregivers lack a firm grasp on the harsh realities of age-induced arthritis. Spend time asking questions, listening earnestly, and stepping into your loved one’s shoes to better understand the physical and often overlooked emotional effects of the disability.

Arthritis causes daily, painful health complications, encompassing full-body stiffness, bouts of fatigue, prolonged pains, and appetite loss, resulting in an inability to perform seemingly simple daily tasks. A senior’s deteriorating sense of independence can be extremely frustrating and disheartening for the newly-disabled. The aftermath of this drastic, physical lifestyle change can generate emotional irregularities, like bursts of anger or prolonged periods of depression for your elderly loved-ones, making empathy and unconditional love an effective form of treatment.

Attending to unavoidable emotional hurdles

Elders experiencing mental and physical effects of arthritis-induced complications often strap into a rollercoaster of emotions as their health declines. However, caretakers may also feel heightened levels of emotional distress as they navigate unpredictable outbursts and prolonged periods of physical pain.

Caretaking is often overwhelming and can be stressful when you lack resources or personal mental and physical stamina. Your physical and emotional health is not only of equal importance as your elderly loved-one, it also equips you with the necessary tools and resources to adequately care for their specific needs. Asking for help, scheduling in non-negotiable self-care periods, and regulating your own emotions are all important aspects of caretaking and are necessary, helpful tools for minimizing depressive periods, stress-induced anxiety, and exhaustion.

Understanding their physical challenges

Understanding the physical challenges that your loved one faces is crucial to helping them treat pain and better navigate their newly-restrictive lifestyle. Because mobility can range from limited to non-existent, there are a wide variety of approaches to arthritis care.

Implementing daily stretching routines can offer relief to patients. Performing exercises that preserve joint agility and taking routine medications can assist with pain management. Additionally, installing mobility aids—like stairlifts and handrails—offer elderly folk more control, subsequently taking pressure off of you as their caretaker.

Final word

Living with the physical and emotional effects of arthritis-induced pains and aches and assuming the caretaker role can be equally challenging. However, understanding signs of decline, empathizing with your loved-ones pain and frustration, and recognizing your own limitations will aid both of you through this difficult stage in life.