Addressing Mental Health in Elderly Texans: Improving Elder Care

As the global population ages, the issue of mental health among elderly individuals becomes increasingly significant. In the context of Texas, where a substantial portion of the population comprises elderly individuals, addressing these issues is a critical concern.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), by 2030, one in six people worldwide will be 60 years or older. With this demographic shift, the prevalence of mental health disorders has gained prominence, impacting approximately 14% of adults aged 60 and over. 

These cognitive disorders not only affect the individual’s well-being but also account for 10.6% of the total years lived with disability for this age group.

In this article, we will explore key points to improve cognitive health care for elderly Texans, aiming to enhance their overall quality of life.

Increase Awareness and Education About Mental Health

Raising awareness about common mental health issues among the aging population is paramount. This was demonstrated by the poignant incident involving Armando Navejas in El Paso, Texas. Navejas, a 70-year-old suffering from Parkinson’s disease and dementia, tragically experienced a violent encounter with law enforcement due to his condition.

According to The Marshall Project, cases like this underscore a troubling trend. The number of arrests of people over 65 has surged by nearly 30% between 2000 and 2020, even as overall arrests decreased. 

This concerning rise necessitates widespread awareness efforts to shed light on the challenges faced by elderly individuals with cognitive health conditions.

Education plays a pivotal role in this initiative. By educating communities about the signs, symptoms, and available treatments for mental health conditions, we empower them to respond with compassion and appropriate support.

Increase Access to Mental Health Services in Rural Areas

Seven years back, the Texas Statewide Behavioral Health Strategic Plan identified 80 percent of counties in the state as Mental Health Professional Shortage Areas. 

Elderly Texans residing in rural areas face substantial challenges in accessing essential mental health services. Factors such as a scarcity of mental health providers, extended travel distances, and financial constraints often restrict their access to necessary care. 

To bridge this gap, the implementation of telepsychiatry services emerges as a viable solution. This approach is particularly beneficial for those with limited mobility or residing in regions lacking nearby mental health providers. 

Home Care: A Compassionate Solution for Seniors

The provision of home care services plays a vital role in addressing mental health concerns among elderly individuals. For many seniors, the idea of seeking help for their mental well-being can be difficult, given the stigma surrounding mental health. Home care services offer a compassionate and less intrusive approach to providing essential support.

Bringing trained caregivers into the homes of elderly individuals dealing with mental health challenges ensures they receive specialized care tailored to their unique requirements. These professionals not only help with daily tasks but also offer companionship and emotional support, significantly enhancing the mental well-being of seniors. This approach is particularly valuable in remote areas of Texas, such as Spring, where alternative care facilities might not be readily available.

Including home care in Spring, TX, as part of health support for the elderly is an essential step in ensuring access to compassionate care. This approach emphasizes that support can be provided discreetly, which is particularly crucial for seniors who may be hesitant to seek help otherwise.

Always Best Care Senior Services notes that home care can significantly reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness, which are known concerns among the elderly. Caregivers can engage seniors in meaningful activities, ensure medication adherence, and create a safe and nurturing environment within the familiarity of their homes.

Advocate for Mental Health Care Policies for the Elderly

The Center Square notes that recent bipartisan support for SB 26, a comprehensive mental health reform bill, demonstrates a commitment to this cause. The bill’s aim to expand mental health capacity through the creation of a grant program signifies a proactive approach. 


Additionally, SB 26 focuses on transitioning patients out of state hospitals and amending laws related to mental and behavioral health audits. The bill’s emphasis on transparency and accountability ensures that the mental and behavioral health systems are held to high standards. 

Moreover, the development of incentives to support elderly Texans with intense behavioral health needs demonstrates a commitment to their well-being.

Advocacy for such policies is essential in creating a more inclusive, supportive, and comprehensive mental health landscape for the elderly. It signifies a proactive approach to address their unique needs and improve their quality of life.

Improve the Coordination of Care

Many seniors manage multiple medical conditions in tandem with mental health issues, and these aspects of care must be integrated seamlessly.

The synergy between mental health and physical health providers can be achieved through various means. Shared electronic health records facilitate the exchange of crucial information, ensuring that both types of providers are well-informed. 

Regular case conferences involving professionals from both domains allow for comprehensive discussions on patient progress and adjustments to be made as necessary. Collaborative treatment plans tailored to the unique needs of the elderly ensure that physical and mental health aspects are addressed cohesively.

This improved coordination benefits the health outcomes of the elderly and streamlines their healthcare journey, promoting a holistic approach to their well-being.


As we move forward, communities, healthcare professionals, and policymakers must work together. Raising awareness, reducing stigma, and investing in accessible, coordinated, and empathetic care will enhance the lives of elderly Texans. Additionally, it will set a precedent for a more compassionate and understanding approach to mental health on a broader scale. 

Embracing these initiatives can ensure that the elderly receive the support they need, fostering a society where mental health is a priority for everyone.