7 Reasons to Utilize Print Advertising

There is a competitive market for your advertising dollars, particularly with the rise in popularity of digital media. While it can be difficult to decide where you will get the best ROI for your budget, there are some key aspects to consider when choosing where to advertise.

See below for 7 key reasons to advertise in print, particularly when targeting seniors:

1. Credibility

Print media is not only familiar to this demographic, but has been around for decades longer, lending a level of credibility that many still may not feel with digital advertising. Many seniors will consider messaging more legitimate when they see something in print.

2. Targeted Marketing

While digital media boasts the ability to target a specific demographic, there is also a lot of targeting available via print media if you know your audience. Baby boomers still read the newspaper, they attend performance art (you can advertise in the programs), they read their mail, and periuse guides, especially those given to themby professionals! There are several possibilities to consider when attempting to reach this audience.

3. Reader Interaction

Have you ever visited a senior friend or relative and noticed that they have things hanging on their refrigerator or papers stacked neatly in a pile on their desk? When they see something that interests them, they will often tear it out and save it for later. The interaction potential with a print ad is a great benefit to the medium.

4. Build Trust

Seniors display a level of brand loyalty that cannot be ignored. If your institution or organization advertises in a publication they trust, they are more likely to trust you and build a loyalty to your brand over time via the association.

5. Targeting Income Levels

Many advertising companies have the ability to pull mailing lists based on zip codes and zip codes can be selected and targeted based on median home value. If the seniors utilizing your services fall into a specific income bracket, this is one way to find them and send them some information about your business.

6. Repetition Discounts

Print media options like newspapers and magazines will often offer a discount if you schedule a repetitive ad with their company. Speak with your sales rep to ask about targeting the ads when applicable articles or news coverage is running that would draw the attention of your intended audience. If the ad is already designed and sized, it can be added in some publications without too much advance notice.

Finding the right print media options for you can be as simple as asking some of your target audience what they like to read, how often they like to read it and whether or not they pay attention to the advertising within the publication. Take a look around nursing homes, doctors offices, senior centers, pharmacies and the supermarket and ask around to determine which publications are easily accessible and found in multiple and various locations. Once you narrow down which publications to try, be sure to track when  your ads are placed and whether or not you receive any feedback. Although this is difficult, it will help determine whether or not these investments are worthwhile for the future.