Seniors at Home: How to Stay Independent at Home Longer

5 Tips for Seniors to Stay in Your Home for Longer

If you’ve ever considered assisted living, moving into a retirement community or life in a care home, then there’s a chance that you &/or your family is concerned about your fading independence. It may be the one thing that’s keeping you going and reminding you who you are and where you’ve come from. As you grow older, your independence as a senior is something that gives you confidence in your own abilities. The approaching loss of it, therefore, can be utterly consuming.

There are a number of reasons why you might be considering senior living and care options, least of all the recommendations from concerned friends and family members, who might be worried about how you’ll cope at home in your advanced years. Perhaps you’re worried about your finances or failing health or have concerns about growing isolated. Whatever your reasons, please know that you are not alone. There are numerous avenues that you can turn to in your quest to maintain independence at this point.


Tip #1 Accept Help When it’s Offered

Tips for Seniors: Age at Home LongerLiving independently doesn’t have to mean doing everything for yourself. It’s important to realize that you’re not a burden on anyone, least of all yourfamily members and friends. Whether you choose to accept meals delivered by acatering service, have a little help doing your weekly shopping or get a ridewith community transportation once a week so that you can still enjoy your favorite hobbies, make sure that you’re communicating with the world beyond your front door. Living on your own can be an isolating experience if you allow it to be, so seek comfort, friendship and support from those offering it.


Tip #2 Get Regular Health Checks

Taking charge of your independence means being mindful of your health as well. Has anything changed recently? Do you have any concerns? Early diagnosis andtreatment are absolutely vital for a number of conditions and may well reduce your risks of having to stay away from home for extended periods of time, particularlyif your caregiver can formulate an agreeable plan of action with you. Head for your regular health tests, including mammograms, blood pressure and weight checks and the T4 thyroid hormone function test. Chances are that you’ve nothing to worry about,but you’ll receive the best possible care should something show up in your results. Remember; if you should be diagnosed with a particular ailment orcondition, then make sure that you understand the medicines and treatment thatyou’ve been prescribed.


Tip #3 Assess the Suitability of your Home

There’s a chance that you’ve lived in your current home for a number of years and that it’s served you perfectly throughout the many life events and experiences that you’ve had the pleasure of enjoying there. However, it’s essential to consider how your home is going to work for you in the years ahead. Think about lighting, the walkways throughout your home, the access points to and from your bath or shower, the kinds of flooring that you have and the steps and stairs thatyou might need to navigate. Could you install ramps? Making nominal changes now will ensure that you can remain in your home for longer, living as independently as possible.


Tip #4 Prepare Yourself for Emergencies

Nobody wants to think about worst-case scenarios, especially seniors living alone.However, if you’re to remain at home, then it’s important to think about how you’d handle an emergency, whether it is an issue with your health, a natural disaster or a problem within your community. Keep a list of numbers close at hand, labeled with the names of contacts who could assist you in any given emergency. Similarly, ensure that you have a friend or relative who’s able to reach you with ease. Familiarize yourself with escape routes in the event of a fire and make sure that there’s a safe, navigable way out of any room. You may even decide to install a panic button in order to remain connected with emergency services.


Tip #5 Be Mindful of Security

You may feel sound of mind and body, but it’s still important to consider your security while you’re living in your own home, if only to ease the concerns of your friends and family members. The elderly are more vulnerable to attempts of fraud, so always be mindful of whom you’re talking to. Never open emails from senders whom you don’t recognize, and always seek advice if you’re unsure whether a demand or warning is genuine. Home security systems provide homeowners and their families with peace of mind, so ensure that your home is properly lit and monitored carefully. Your home is your palace, and it’s essential that you feel safe there for as long as possible.

While you may have several worry-free years ahead of you, it pays to take care of certain things now and understand your options for when you may need to think about your independence. From live-in care and assisted communities to respite and nursing care, you do have choices. Whether you’re thinking about security, emergencies, healthcare or the suitability of your home, it’s important to re-evaluate your needs every six months and be open to suggestions from your friends and family.


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