New LifeStyles Senior Living & Care Blog

We know that it can be tough, finding care for a loved one, or taking care of them yourself. So we offer our end users a blog with information on care giving, choosing a community, senior living and care news and just for fun!

What To Know When Buying a Cane

There are several varying reasons for why you may need to buy a cane. While this seems like a simple, straightforward task, it’s important not to neglect some helpful information first. There are several things to consider when buying a cane including the type, size, and the overall feel. To…


The Importance of Exercise for Seniors

Physical activity is one of the most important things a senior citizen can do to help preserve their independence and health as they age. There are numerous health benefits for seniors associated with regular physical activity. These include better balance, fewer falls, improved cardiovascular health, and better bone, joint, and…


6 Housing Options for Seniors

The housing options for seniors can vary; what works for one family can be completely different from what works for another. It’s always advisable to exhaustively research your options before making a decision that will ensure the highest quality of life possible for your loved one. Here are some of…


Making the Most of Open Enrollment

It’s time for open enrollment through the Health Insurance Marketplace. If you want to add, change, or keep your current insurance policy, you have a limited time to complete the necessary application and documentation. Here’s what you need to keep in mind when choosing insurance and making the most out…


5 Ways Seniors Can Successfully Manage Chronic Pain

Science hasn’t yet discovered a way to halt the aging process (and its less-than-glamorous side effects) entirely. Most people will inevitably encounter problems with the aging process, regardless of how well-balanced their diets are or how much they exercise. For seniors, the changes brought on by the aging process are…


The Ins and Outs of Hearing Aid Maintenance

Whether you’re a seasoned wearer of hearing aids or just a beginner, getting your hearing aids cleaned is something that every wearer can struggle with at some point. Can you believe there’s a right and wrong way to go about it, based on your hearing aid of choice? Whether you’re…


Tips for Teaching Technology To Seniors

With an increased amount of staying in and limited interactions, it’s easy to feel isolated. This can feel especially true for people who do not have online communities or social platforms to turn to. Seniors are more likely to be offline, which can make the increase of staying indoors especially…


How Seniors Can Integrate Joy Into Their Daily Routine

Life as an elderly individual is different for everyone. Some senior citizens still have the strength to run marathons, while others are facing illnesses that deteriorate their physical condition. No matter what the circumstance, it is important for senior citizens to find joy in their days. There are many unique…


Breath in Our Lungs: Causes of Poor Indoor Air Quality

In the last months, more emphasis has been placed on senior respiratory health, and the battle is far from over. As we enter cold and flu season, there is a whole new host of enemies bent on attacking the respiratory health of our senior living facility residents. As directors and…


Here Are Three of the Most Difficult Transitions in the Life of Seniors

At what point does a person become a senior? Identifying the various stages of life are more difficult than ever. People are living longer and it becomes easier for people to deny that they are getting older and losing a step along the way. Everyone pretends to be young except…