Preparing for 2018 is underway, finished or being put off. We are heavy into our 2018 cycle of guides and talking to many of our clients and future clients about next year’s marketing. However, we still have a number of guides to work over the next three months.
Please make sure we are in your budget. If you contact us now and sign an agreement, we will give you the rest of the year online for free equal to any online component you are purchasing for 2018.
2018 rates are set, so call for a media kit and pricing for print, online and mobile advertising in one great package.
There are SIGNIFICANT new benefits coming for advertisers, so time to get with New LifeStyles.
If you need a new web site, let us know now, as it will be FREE with the purchase of full or half page advertising with New LifeStyles for one year (as always, some restrictions apply, but this is a great package for the start-up or independent community or company)
Our web team can have your site up and running within a month.
Currently, we are working on the following guides:
Los Angeles Area (our largest distribution)
Tarrant County/Fort Worth Area
Along with great distribution, searches on NewLifeStyles.com continue to grow, year on year.
Please contact us today for more information on upcoming guides, 2018 media kit and rate card, or information on the web site and/or a new site for you.
If you haven’t started on your 2018 budget, don’t worry, you’re not alone.
Cheers, Doug