April at New LifeStyles means a bit of a slow down in the production department while sales ramps up to start the next round of guides. The Summer-Fall 2018 editions will including a new cover and some more format changes. Due to feedback from distributors, phone numbers for non-advertisers to be back in the comprehensive sections of the print guides, the main ad index in the front will return, plus a couple other small updates.
This month we distributed the latest editions for Nevada (Las Vegas & Reno) and Atlanta. Check them out, and remember that you can still get listed online, or sign up to advertise in the next edition of these guides.
We shot a new tour that will debut later this week, and our client site department updated many sites, started on a some re-designs and new sites.
Check back next week for news on our new website, a link to our latest online tour, updates on client sites, and May’s promo. offers.
Tip of the week: Remember that you can add more copy, use different copy, or update your online copy &/or graphic at any time. Make the most of this medium by saying more, including text links to help your SEO, and driving traffic to your social sites.