4 Tips to Help Seniors Successfully Apply for SSD Benefits

You may have worked hard your whole life when an injury strikes and takes you out of the game. For seniors that haven’t reached the mandatory retirement age of 65 and become injured or disabled, there are many questions and concerns about their future.

The most important thing to know about applying for Social Security Disability benefits is that your application must be thorough and correct to avoid any delays or unwarranted rejections. Filling out endless paperwork to get the benefits that you have paid into your entire working career can be intimidating and frustrating but it is a necessary task that will take time and care.

Filing for SSD can be done online or with the help of a family member or attorney. The disability system is very strict about who will qualify and under what circumstances to help discourage fraudulent claims. It’s in your best interest to take your time and get the right advice to ensure that your application has the best chance for approval. We are going to take a look at a few tips that can help seniors successfully apply for SSD benefits.

Application Stages

Applying and receiving SSDI benefits can be a long and complex task. It’s good to know what to expect from each stage of your application process.

  • Filling out your initial application and including your medical information and declarations.
  • The Disability Determination Department will review your application and decide whether you qualify for benefits.
  • After 3-6 months you will be notified whether your application has been approved. If approved you will be advised on the amount and type of benefits that you will receive.

How To Prepare For Your SSD Application

If you can’t prove that you are medically qualified to receive disability benefits, your application will be denied. Your first step when considering whether to apply for SSD benefits should be to visit your primary care doctor. Your doctor will be able to provide you with your medical records and a formal recommendation that you will need to submit with your application.

You should also request all of your records from any specialists that you have been dealing with. Next, you need to request a record of your full medical history that includes any past injuries, surgeries and treatments. Once you have all of your medical records, you can apply for your SSD benefits either online or at your local Social Security office.

Tips For Success

The SSD application process can be complex and time-consuming. Here are a few tips to help you prepare your application and increase your chances of successful approval.

  • Get a copy of the Social Security Administration Blue Book to help you determine if your injury or illness is something that is generally covered under SSDI benefits. This will give you a better idea of whether you will qualify or not.
  • Prepare your application with as much detail as possible. Your application is the only means of investigation that the SSD board has to work with, so give them as much to work with as you can. Never leave a question blank, and avoid “yes” or “no” answers. Give all details and make sure to send all paperwork with your initial application.
  • Continue to stay in contact with the review board and update them on any changes to your condition or submit any new medical records.
  • Talk to a disability lawyer to help you file your application and navigate the process with you.

Over 9 million Americans are currently collecting SSDI benefits and that is only a small percentage of people that are living with disabilities. If you are unable to work for 12 months or longer due to injury or illness, review these tips and make your SSD application today with confidence.