Assisted Living Facility – How to Find the Perfect Community

Moving older adults to assisted living can be challenging for many families. In fact, the decision of making the transition is tough enough, but once that is resolved, the next step is to find an assisted living community that will suit their needs and preferences.

In general, assisted living refers to a residential type facility for the elderly who need help with some of the activities of daily living such as cooking, bathing and traveling to appointments. Such facilities offer all of these services including round-the-clock medical care and supervision of a nursing home.

That’s why it is important to choose the perfect community where your loved ones will be well cared for and will fit their lifestyle and personality.

So, while you are checking out the services and offerings of various assisted living facilities, here are a few things you need to watch out for to make the process easier. 

Keep it close to home

The location of the assisted living facility plays a major role in making your decision. Most patients choose to remain in the local area and be close to their family, so they will get to see them more often.

For example, one of the best states in the country that offers excellent living conditions for older adults is Colorado. In fact, if you are living in the Denver area, the senior living Denver Colorado-based community would be an excellent choice for your loved one. Not only will you be able to see your older adult whenever you want, but it will also be beneficial for your older adult’s quality of life as they get older.

Meet the staff

One of the most important things to look for in an assisted living facility is a highly trained staff. You want the people who work there to be professional caregivers and treat their patients with the same level of love, attention and dedication as you do. 

That’s why it is recommended that you meet the staff and talk about the services they give their patients. This will be an excellent opportunity to see how they interact with residents as well as their levels of compassion for older adults.

Read reviews

If you are searching for assisted living online, then you should definitely look for reviews to help you narrow down the best community in your area. Reading online reviews can be very useful in learning about any past or current experiences of patients who have stayed there.

In general, such reviews include information about everything from the quality of the staff to the food served at dinner. These are some things you won’t probably hear about during your guided tour with the head of the staff. At the end of the day, you want to choose a community that will be safe and enjoyable for your loved one.

Ask about activities and amenities

Another crucial thing that will help you in the process of finding the perfect assisted living facility are the actual services they are offering. While some communities provide their residents with the basics such as housekeeping, medication management support, exercise and wellness programs and lots of social activities, others provide tailored services based on their patients’ specific health needs.

So, choosing a community that offers a combination of all would be an excellent choice. This way you will know your loved ones will be well cared for and their time spent there will be fulfilled.

Consider your budget

Another defining factor when choosing the perfect assisted living facility is cost. You want to find a community that your loved ones will like living in, but that is also affordable. For example, many residents are paying for their stay through personal finances such as their savings, long-term care insurance, veteran’s benefits or similar resources.

Also, keep in mind that there may be extra expenses to help move them into the community. You may need to hire professional movers who will bring all essentials your loved ones need to make their stay feel as homely as possible.

Final thoughts

There is no doubt that moving your loved ones to an assisted living facility is not an easy task. However, by choosing the best community for them, you are helping them keep up with their daily activities and lifestyles as they will be well cared for and supervised by highly trained caregivers.

So, in order to make the right decision, make sure you refer back to our free guide that summarizes the key information and highlights the most helpful checklist items.

How Pet Friendly Assisted Living Can Help

Assisted living is a great way for someone to remain independent but still have a level of support there when it is needed. There are different types of assisted living available and each of them will offer its own choice of care packages. It is best to research the assisted living options near to you and see what they offer so you can decide which is best suited to your needs.

One of the things many people mention about assisted living is that they sometimes feel they miss companionship, especially in the evenings. By moving into pet friendly assisted living, you can have a pet to keep you company! Of course, it isn’t just about having a bit of company; they can help in many other ways too.

 Provide Emotional Support

A pet may not be able to talk back; however, they are great listeners. Being able to chat to your pet about your worries can help to lift some of the burden and stress someone is feeling. They help remove some of the loneliness and in turn, reduce stress levels.

You Can Meet New People

Taking your dog for a walk or sitting with your cat in the garden gives people an excuse to talk to you. People love animals and will be curious about your pet – it’s a great conversation opener and can help you to meet new people. Having a friendly neighbor or two in the assisting living accommodation is always a good thing.

Help You Stay Active

No matter the age you are at, staying active is the best way to stay fit. Having a dog or other pet that needs walking ensures that you are committed to getting out of the house each day. A daily walk helps to improve your heart health, makes you feel good and can help support you with staying at a healthy weight. It can be easy to promise yourself that you’ll go for a walk tomorrow but when a pet needs a daily walk you are forced to get out and about each day.

Keeping Healthy

There are many ailments that an older person can be more susceptible to, so keeping happy and active is important. For example, high PSA levels which can lead to issues with the prostate can be linked to stress, so having a pet to help alleviate stress levels could be helpful. The chances of a man developing something like prostatitis are increased when he suffers from high-stress levels. You can read up here on how high can PSA levels go with prostatitis, however the best thing to do is make sure your stress levels are as low as possible and research shows pets can help!

 A Daily Routine

When you are retired and the pace of life slows down, it can be hard to find a reason to get up and do things. However, a pet means that you have a daily structure and a routine once again. Having everyday tasks to carry out can help an older person maintain their sense of purpose, which is great for their overall wellbeing.

The good news is that there are lots of pets that can benefit an older person living in pet friendly assisted living. If the commitment of walking a dog each day is too much then a cat or even a bird could be just the right company they need. Everyone has their own preference when it comes to pets, but living in pet friendly assisted living accommodation gives you peace of mind that whatever pet you choose, they’ll be able to call the place home too.

Signs You Need to Professionally Clean Your Property

As you get older, cleaning your house or apartment can become quite a daunting task. No longer can you be expected to get up on a ladder to dust the tops of cabinets or move furniture so you can vacuum underneath them. However, it can be quite hard to accept that you may need some help with something as simple as cleaning. Even so, there are definite signs that a person may be struggling with the harder cleaning tasks, but those can sometimes be hard to recognize. To help with that recognition, here are signs you need to professionally clean your property.

Messes Continue To Build Up

Do you notice that despite your best efforts to keep the house clean, messes continue to build up? This is a significant sign of needing a professional cleaning service. Cleaning, especially in bigger households and rentals, is an unending task that builds up if you put it on the back burner for a while. For that reason, if you find yourself unable to keep up with the total task of cleaning, hiring a professional cleaner might be the best option for you.

Never Have Motivation or Energy

If you find that you have no energy to clean your house by the end of the day, this may be the time to hire a professional cleaner. Simply put, if you work all day and are tired by the end, you deserve to have a cleaner. There is no need to make yourself even more exhausted, much less spend all night cleaning, which will only make you even more tired the next day.

Embarrassed To Have Company Over

The most obvious sign you need a professional cleaner is that you are embarrassed to have company over. For the most part, this is a sign that you are aware of your inability to thoroughly clean your living space, making it easier for you to accept that you will need a cleaner soon. If you are tired of doing a mad rush to clean before guests come over, hiring a cleaner may be the perfect solution for you.

Whatever the reason may be, hiring a professional cleaner can make your life a lot easier. If you decide to hire one, you will be able to spend a lot more time doing the things you love, having more people over, and not having to stress about the messes piling up. We hope this article has made it easy to identify the signs of needing to professionally clean your property and that it has given insight into the benefits that hiring a professional cleaner can provide.

Staying Healthy Post Hip Replacement (+How to Avoid Surgery)

Hip replacement surgeries can be a complex procedure with an extended period of recovery, so it’s important to understand the basics and have appropriate health insurance coverage.

Surgical procedures are just one of the many reasons why you need health insurance. The proper health insurance coverage ensures that you have optimal medical care and acts as a safety net in case of any medical emergencies. 

Health insurance coverage enables important preventive care that can help catch health issues earlier. Health insurance keeps your medical costs lower and helps protect you from financial catastrophe in case of an unexpected serious illness or emergency. It helps keep costs lower for all insured people.

This article will answer questions about hip replacement surgeries, the best insurance coverage for this kind of procedure, and positive lifestyle changes for a faster recovery.

The Basics of Hip Replacement Surgery

A hip replacement is necessary to repair damage to the hip joint, also known as the acetabulofemoral joint. The hip joint is formed by the meeting of the head of the femur (the large thigh bone) and the cavity in the pelvis known as the acetabulum. 

The hip is the second most mobile joint in the body and is a stable joint due to the large bones, large muscle groups, and the strong ligaments that surround the joint. The hip joint is important in standing, walking, running, climbing stairs, exercising the lower body, and many other daily activities. 

When sudden trauma or joint damage causes pain and interferes with mobility, it may be time to look into a hip replacement. A hip replacement procedure involves replacing the hip joint with a synthetic or artificial joint. This can be made from metal or plastic materials. 

Health Insurance Coverage for Hip Replacements

The best health insurance coverage for hip replacement surgeries should be a traditional insurance plan, which can either be offered as employer-sponsored or private coverage. A catastrophic or high-deductible plan may help cover some of the costs but could result in expensive medical bills. 

Employer-sponsored coverage means the employer pays part of the employee’s insurance premium costs and can include PPOs and HMOs. If you don’t have employer-sponsored coverage, you can purchase an individual or private insurance plan. 

If you do not have health insurance, any medical visits including surgery could result in large out-of-pocket medical bills. With all of the many options for health insurance coverage, there should be no reason you are without this important safety net. 

Causes of Hip Replacements

As we get older, we tend to lose bone mass and our joints become less resilient. Our bone mineral density decreases, we are more likely to experience osteoporosis (which can impact all aspects of life, including term life insurance rates), and some changes occur in the joint structure to make older adults more likely to need hip surgery. 

Cartilage is an important structural feature that helps protect the bones that meet at the hip joint. Cartilage can wear down as we get older and causes the bones in the joint to rub together, which can be painful. There is also less synovial fluid to lubricate joints as we age, which can create pain and inflammation. 

The hormone estrogen helps protect bones, but estrogen levels drop after women go through menopause, which can impact bone health. Women who have gone through menopause are more likely to develop osteoporosis (porous bones) and more likely to experience a fracture. 

A sudden fall can be traumatic and lead to a hip fracture. A hip replacement may be recommended to repair a hip fracture after an accident or fall.

When other treatments have not provided the necessary relief, it may be time to think about hip replacement surgery. When medication and therapy do not relieve pain and inflammation, a surgical procedure may be recommended. 

Preventing Hip Replacements

The best things to do to prevent hip replacement surgeries are to stay active and eat a healthy diet with plenty of protein, calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, and other nutrients. Avoid smoking and overconsumption of alcohol.

It’s important to participate in weight-bearing activities like walking and weight training. Add balance activities to your routine to improve your balance and stability. What’s the difference between resistance bands and free weights? Learn more here.

If you do not consume adequate amounts of calcium and vitamin D in your diet from dairy or other foods, you may be encouraged to take calcium and vitamin D supplements. Talk with your healthcare provider before starting a new supplement. 

Fall prevention strategies are also important. Use caution with certain environmental factors such as slippery surfaces, rugs, stairs, and objects on the floor. Clean up the clutter in your home to avoid tripping or slipping while walking through your home.

Hip Replacement Recovery

It can take anywhere from six weeks to six months to recover from hip replacement surgery. Many patients will see a great improvement in their daily activities within six weeks and most will be fully recovered by six months. 

Hospital stays depend on the severity of your hip replacement. Most patients can expect to stay just a few days. If your procedure was more complex or if there were any complications, this may prolong your hospital stay. You will likely work with a physical therapist or occupational therapist in the hospital, which will continue once you are home. 

Prepare your home before you leave for the hospital so it is ready for you to return post-surgery. Clear clutter, move throw rugs, install a shower chair, and place items you need most often (remote, books, keys, phone) by a comfortable chair. 

Use assistive devices like a walker, scooter, or cane when recommended. It’s also important to follow your healthcare provider’s advice and take all medications as prescribed. Manage swelling and inflammation according to your healthcare provider’s recommendations. 

Have a friend or family member available to come check on you. It can be helpful to have someone bring you groceries or help you with basic daily tasks while you are recovering. 

The Best Ways to Stay Healthy and Age Well

Staying active and participating in weight-bearing activities are two excellent ways to keep your bones strong. You should include walking, jogging, dancing, and weight training activities in your weekly exercise routine. Balance activities improve your stability and help prevent falls. 

Eat a healthy diet with a focus on fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy, lean protein, whole grains, and plenty of nutrient-rich foods. Dairy products and many vegetables are a good source of calcium, which is important for strong bones. 

Socializing and managing stress are two other important ways to stay hip. Social connections and stress management strategies help improve your emotional and mental health, which can affect physical health. 

To keep bones strong, avoid tobacco and smoking. Those who use tobacco tend to have weaker bones. Limit alcohol consumption to moderate amounts because overconsumption of alcohol can have a negative effect on bone health. 

A hip replacement surgery doesn’t have to get you down for long. With some modifications to your environment and lifestyle, it can be easy to stay hip post hip replacement. 


About The Author : Melissa Morris writes and researches for the insurance comparison site, She has a master of science degree in exercise science, is an ACSM

11 Home Safety Tips for Elderly People

Staying at home as you age is possible, but it requires some caution and preparation. Whether you are aging yourself or simply looking to keep elderly loved ones safe, you should keep several things in mind when thinking about home safety. Here are 11 home safety tips for elderly people, from shower chairs to senior clothing:

Conduct a home safety audit.

Go through your house and make a note of every possible hazard or obstacle. If a throw rug might trip you up, put it on the list. If a round door knob is hard to turn, put it on the list. If the water temperature is too hot and might scald you, put it on the list. Once you’ve finished your “audit,” figure out how you will address each item on the list to make your home as safe as possible.

Decide if your house is worth the effort.

Based on your audit, decide if your home is well set up for you to age in place, or if you might be better served either moving to a new home or even a senior living facility. Some homes, especially older houses, simply aren’t suitable for aging in place due to the extensive renovations required to make it safe.

Determine if you’re a good candidate for aging in place.

Sometimes, it’s not your home that is the complicating factor for aging in place. If you have certain physical or mental conditions that make it difficult to live on your own, then you might actually find it safer to move into an assisted living facility instead of struggling on at home. Have an honest conversation with your loved ones about your prognosis and how you are coping with living at home so far.

Keep the floors clear.

Trip and fall hazards are one of the biggest concerns for home safety. Remove any loose rugs and move any extension cords that might trip you up. Apply non-slip wax to hardwood floors to reduce slickness. If you have pets that constantly get underfoot, consider giving them to a family member and visiting them regularly instead of keeping them at your house 24/7. Always wear non-slips shoes, such as Velcro shoes for women, even when inside to prevent falls.

Widen doorways and remove thresholds.

This is more of an extensive home renovation, but it can really make a difference for people who use wheelchairs and walkers. Making doorways wider allows them to pass through easily without having to wedge their walker or wheelchair through the door. Removing thresholds also eliminates the need to “step over” into the next room, a move that can lead to tripping and falling.

Update the bathroom.

Install grab bars near the toilet and shower to provide support, and also consider placing a shower chair in the shower as well. Use rubber bath mats and add non-slip floor tape to the shower or tub as well as the floor to increase traction. Replace the toilet seat with a raised toilet seat, sometimes also called a high profile toilet seat. If you have a tub, you might want to consider getting it renovated and replacing it with a walk-in shower instead.

Assess the kitchen.

Move any appliances and utensils that you regularly use to chest height so you don’t have to bend over or get up on a step stool to reach them. Choose light but sturdy pots and pans that are easy to move, and utensils with wide, rubbery grips for stability. If you use a lot of appliances with heat, consider getting models with automatic shutoff so you can’t accidentally leave them on. Regularly clean out the fridge and pantry so you don’t eat expired food.

Put up more lights.

Test the lights in every room to make sure that you can clearly see the floor. If you cannot, then add more lights or swap in brighter bulbs. You might need to look into solutions beyond just overhead lighting — for instance, there are puck lights specifically designed to illuminate stairways, including motion-sensitive models. Promptly replace any bulbs when they burn out and keep spares on hand. Make sure that you have nightlights in all the hallways, as well as bedrooms and bathrooms.

Make the stairs safe.

Stairs in particular create a tripping and falling hazard. You may need to consider installing a stairlift for indoor stairs, or replacing outdoor stairs with a gently sloped ramp. If you can still navigate the stairs, then get rid of any loose runners and replace them with non-skid treads. You might also need to paint the tops of the stairs different colors or otherwise find a way to differentiate the change in height, especially if your vision is impaired.

Remember regular safety tips.

Seniors need working smoke and carbon monoxide detectors just like everybody else. You might also want to look into getting a home security system if you don’t have one already, especially if you spend a lot of time alone at the house. You might also want to look into getting a senior medical alert system so that if an emergency does happen, help will be on the way quickly.

Don’t forget other fixes.

Not every fix involves home renovations. For instance, wearing adaptive clothing with easy-to-work closures makes it easier for seniors to keep dressing themselves even when they can no longer work buttons or zippers. Keep an eye out for other solutions like this and you might be surprised how much they can improve your quality of life.

With home safety tips in mind, you or your loved one will be able to age in place. It will take some prep work, but you can make many different homes safe for elderly people.

The Explosion of Online Therapy During the Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic brought suffering, pain, and death in its wake, but it also brought depression, anxiety, addiction, and other mental health issues. In the effort to mitigate the virus transmissions and decrease the amount of hospitalizations and deaths that occurred, people were told to stay at home and isolate themselves. This has been very bad for mental health. While some toiled in their sorrow, others were finally motivated to do something about it. Since the pandemic began, we’ve seen a huge rise in people going to therapy and online therapy has been the method of choice.

The Demand for Therapy Rose During the Pandemic

While the numbers of people who have entered therapy during the pandemic is almost impossible to determine for obvious reasons—many people want to keep it to themselves for example—the impact is measurable. Other data, numbers, and statistics can be used to determine just how much people have begun to seek assistance for their trauma, unhappiness, chemical imbalances, and more. For example, the company known as Vibrant Emotional Health said that their Disaster Distress Hotline saw an increase in calls that reached 338 percent.

The rise in demand is clear. The American Psychological Association polled 1,800 psychologists and 74 percent of them said that they were seeing more patients with anxiety disorders compared to before the pandemic. 60 percent said that they were seeing more patients with depressive disorders and nearly 30 percent said they were seeing more patients overall. The demand is so high that therapists are struggling to meet it.

Online Therapy is More Accessible than Traditional Therapy

One of the reasons that the numbers of people who are going to therapy have increased is because online therapy has become much more accessible. Online therapists are widely available on many platforms. You can see private therapists through a conference software or use a service that connects the patient with a therapist that fits them.

There are many different options and methods to utilize. Private messaging, phone chats, video sessions, and more can be provided by an online therapy service. These companies provide the means to see a therapist wherever you are. You don’t have to be in the same city or state as your therapist. The limitations have decreased and people everywhere are feeling more secure to see a therapist because they never have to leave their house. They don’t have to wait in a waiting room and can be completely confident with the fact that they are even seeing a therapist at all. Therapy has never been easier.

The “Stigma” Around Therapy is Going Away

For generations, therapy was stigmatized. People thought that you had something wrong for you to go to therapy. That was never the case but now people are accepting this truth. There is less stigma. Now, people of all ages are going to therapy for the first time. Older people who have needed therapy for years are now just getting the assistance that they need. With therapy services much more widely available, accessible, and accepted, people of all ages are getting therapy. It is a great way for younger and older people to stay healthy and happy.

Will the Trend Continue?

Now that the COVID-19 pandemic is getting under control in some parts of the country, only time will tell if people will continue going to therapy. While some of the woes were created by the isolation, restrictions, and heartbreak that the virus has caused, other issues were simply revealed. One thing is clear, we have a mental health crisis in the United States and people of all kinds need to get the help that they require. Just because we are getting a handle on the pandemic doesn’t mean that people are cured of their problems, depression, anxiety, addictions, and other mental health disorders.

Since the pandemic began, many people have begun therapy for the first time. It is a sign that the times are tough but it also shows that people are willing to do what’s necessary to get better and have a nice life. Many people have had trouble finding a therapist during this time. As others leave therapy and these people get treated, it will lead to a lot of changes that can improve their personal lives and the society as a whole.

What You Should Look for in a Wheelchair-Accessible Vehicle

When an older loved one starts using a wheelchair, it’s easy to assume they’ve lost their independence. However, with the right resources, freedom is still possible. With home care, seniors will have the support they need while staying in their own homes, and with the right vehicle, they can still make social calls.

However, not any car will do for wheelchair users, especially when they have other medical needs. Knowing what you should look for in a wheelchair-accessible vehicle will help you find a car that will best serve you and your loved one’s lifestyle.

Find a Reliable Dealer

There are many dealerships out there but finding a trusted wheelchair-accessible vehicle dealership takes a little extra effort. Keep these principles in mind while researching:

  • Pay attention to online reviews and customer experiences
  • Look for certifications from organizations from groups like the National Mobility Equipment Association
  • Look at the prices compared to other dealerships
  • Check the sources of the cars

Make Sure It’s Compatible With Your Loved One’s Type of Wheelchair

Measure the size of your loved one’s wheelchair. That way, you can look at the dimensions of each vehicle to see which ones fit. This also comes down to personal preference. Do you prefer a car with a fold-up ramp, or do you enjoy wheelchair lifts? It would be best if you decided what you want before searching for a vehicle. You can also make a detailed list of what you want the most out of your car.

It Meets Your Other Requirements

Chances are, you have more requirements than the vehicle simply being wheelchair accessible. If this is going to be your loved one’s primary means of transportation, there are likely other vehicle features that will make them more comfortable, such as:

  • Four-wheel drive
  • Ample seating
  • USB ports
  • Warning lights
  • Built-in GPS

The best way to know what you should look for in a wheelchair-accessible vehicle is to know what your family member’s or friend’s needs. If you know what would suit them best, you will be able to find the ideal van or SUV.

Best Natural Supplements for Seniors

As you age, beauty products seem not to work as well as they used to. You may feel that your good health and beauty have passed their expiration date, but natural remedies can give you health and beauty benefits.

Don’t waste your money on high-end products that make unobtainable promises when you can get a natural health boost. Save the cash and slow down aging using supplements and healthy spices for better life insurance rates by outliving your current policy. 

Insurance Tip: Did you know that most term life insurance plans have a conversion clause in them? Once you’ve reached the end of a term life insurance policy, you can negotiate a lower premium for permanent life insurance.

What do supplements do?

Your body’s ability to take in nutrients decreases as you age, making even life-long healthy routines fall short of providing all the body needs. Maintaining a healthy diet for an organic source of energy will help keep you young, but there will still be gaps in your nutrition. 

Supplements are manufactured synthetically or extracted from food and herbs and are intended to make up for what could be missed with diet. Although commonly tied with weight loss, supplements are dietary, meaning that they are most useful in a dietary routine.

Everyday Supplements Older Adults Should Take

Supplements come in easy-to-take forms such as pills, powders, liquids, gummies, or bars that help make up for nutritional gaps. Needing benefits from supplements isn’t unique to the elderly. However, what’s to gain from implementing supplements into your diet becomes more significant as you age.

A few supplements that help ease side effects of old age include:

  • Boosting your metabolism – Vitamin D and magnesium

Magnesium aids absorption, making these supplements strongest when taken together.

  • Easing joint pain – Glucosamine, boswellia, and chondroitin

Because these supplements occur naturally in the body, they should not be taken together as they could be over-effective. All are anti-inflammatory, but one at a time is best for the most productive results. 

  • Increasing energy and focus – B12, iron, and L-theanine

All are found in everyday food and drinks, but most people don’t retain the recommended daily dose.

  • Aiding eyesight – Omega-3s, lutein, and zeaxanthin

These fatty acids slow down muscular deterioration to help preserve vision. 

  • Strengthening immune system – Elderberry, acai berry, and selenium

Even outside of flu season, we need our antioxidants. T-cell function slows down with aging, making older adults more susceptible to illness. Antioxidants aid cell structure, which keeps them stronger longer.

  • Helping dry mouth – Marshmallow root (althaea) and zingiber officinale (ginger)

Althaea and ginger are plants often used in capsules, tea, or raw form to stimulate saliva production. 

Even though aging side effects can make living uncomfortable, they are not life-threatening health problems and don’t usually require surgery. Using daily supplements to better your mind and body can help you lead a fulfilling life throughout old age without the need for serious medical attention.

Supplements as a Lifestyle and Treatment

Popular supplements may come from everyday foods, but eating enough citrus fruits and fish to get your daily dose of calcium, omega-3s, and vitamin D isn’t likely. 

By incorporating supplements and multivitamins into your daily routine, you can make up for what’s missed on your plate. For the days your diet doesn’t give you all the nutrients, supplements will provide additional aid to absorb nutrients needed and pass on what isn’t.

In addition to healthy living practices, taking daily supplements may lower your risk of developing health problems and ease symptoms for already developed ones. 

Although supplements won’t shield your body from unhealthy eating habits, they will aid in preventing conditions such as:

  • Age-related high blood pressure
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Dementia
  • Stroke
  • Heart disease
  • Broken bones

In addition to combating unhealthy habits, herbs and supplements can also be protective armor against medical treatments.

Insurance Tip: Though body mass index (BMI) isn’t always a direct correlation to the state of one’s life, insurance providers use BMI records to help determine an insuree’s potential risk. BMI doesn’t tell the difference between muscle and fat, so a simple detox before your medical exam could help lock in a low rate.

Supplements for Symptoms and Holistic Care

Medicine and procedures like chemotherapy can have adverse side effects while treating critical illnesses.  For those who suffer from physical health conditions such as cancer, diabetes, or immunocompromising conditions, supplements will help ease symptoms and unwanted medicine side effects. 

A list of supplements to use to combat some common side effects of medicine is:

  • Nausea and vomiting: Astragalus, thiamine (B1), and pyridoxine (B6)
  • Feeling fatigue: Vitamin B12 and coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)
  • Bruising: Pycnogenol and arnica montana
  • Losing your appetite: Zinc and fish oil

It is not uncommon for someone who is aging or undergoing draining medical treatment to suffer mentally in the effect of their circumstance. 

Feeling the physical effects of aging or treatment can cause a mixture of heightened anxiety, deeper depression, and additional stress.

Herbalism is a non-medical way to help improve your mood and mental health, and with supplements, these ancient practices are modernized and accessible. A list of herbs and supplements that ease anxiety, depression, and stress is:

  • Vitamin D
  • Rhodiola
  • Lemon balm
  • Creatine
  • Saffron
  • Passionflower
  • Valerian root
  • Ashwagandha
  • S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe)
  • Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)

How to Buy Supplements

To live your best life as a senior citizen, you have to make your overall health a top priority.

If you’re unsure where to start, begin by asking your doctor what supplements your body may need. Not all supplements will be beneficial or should be incorporated into your diet daily.

When searching for the best supplement for you, read all of the ingredients before purchasing. It is common for supplement products to be made up of more than one element to supply users with more than one benefit.

Keep in touch with your doctors and monitor any physical or mood changes you have after taking new supplements.

Buying supplements doesn’t require a prescription. They can be found in common stores like your local grocery store, Target, Walmart, or Walgreens. You can even sign up for monthly subscriptions or order online through store websites and Amazon.

In the digital age, keeping your pantry stocked with the herbs and supplements you need to stay sharp is easier than getting those pesky prescription bottles open. 

Explore the world of holistic medicine by helping your body get what it needs to enjoy life.

Danielle Beck-Hunter writes and researches for the life insurance comparison site, Danielle began studying herbs and supplements at 16 years old. She incorporates herbalism as a customary practice to stay healthy and combat illness.

Making Your Home Elder Person Friendly: Tips to Improve the Quality of Life

For some, the idea of growing old in their own home is a comforting thought. But for others, it can be downright scary. What if we find it difficult to get around our house on our own? What if we need help eating and bathing? How will we manage day-to-day tasks that were once so easy to do on our own? These are all valid concerns that many seniors face when they start considering living in their homes as they grow older. But these worries can easily be alleviated with a few modifications! In this blog post, you’ll find amazing tips for making your home elderly-friendly so you and your loved ones can live comfortably as you age into retirement.

Safety First

It’s important to make sure that your home is safe for anyone who may be living in it. It would help if you started updating the locks on all doors and windows, which are often easy fixes. If you’re going to have visitors come over or if you’ll need someone else to help out around town when you can’t do it yourself anymore. Also, make sure that all the electrical devices in your home are updated to be safer as well.

Area Rugs

Another way to ensure elder adult safety is by installing area rugs throughout your house. This will make it easier for you or other people walking through the house if they lose their balance, especially in winter when surfaces can get slippery. It is also best for avoiding injuries and making the home warm and cozy for them. Also, the rugs are best to reduce noise pollution and heat insulation flow in the home. Area rugs come in all shapes, designs, materials, and sizes. You want non-skid, so it doesn’t slide away from where you stand on it. It should also be easy to vacuum or sweep because they can get dirty easily over time.

Install Handrails On Steps or Anywhere Else

Climbing stairs is hard for some people, so install railings close to the steps or wherever difficult to walk. This will prevent falls and injuries from happening in your home. Also, cover the stairs with a soft and textured rug, so it’s easier to walk up and down the steps.

Repair Cracked Areas on the Floor

If you have any cracks on the floor, it’s important to repair them. This will prevent injuries from happening when someone falls over a crack and is in danger of hurting themselves. Use caulking or other safe materials for your floors to fill up the cracks, so it lasts longer than just using paint.

Install Lever Door Handles

Lever door handles make it easier for older people to open doors because they can turn the handle instead of having to grip and pull. Install them on every door that an older person will use in your home, so there is no difficulty opening any doors.

Foldable Ramps

If you have a set of stairs with various levels, install ramps instead of dealing with the stairs. It’s a lot easier to walk down or up to one ramp than it is to climb multiple sets of stairs every day.

Install Porch Railing or Barrier

Due to balance issues that come with age, porch railings are very helpful for safety in the house because they stop people from falling downstairs or off balconies.

Install Grab Bars

Grab bars are helpful for seniors who need assistance getting around or when they need to use a toilet. They provide extra stability, support, and safety near sinks and toilets, so people don’t fall by accident. Install them wherever you see fit. Just be sure that they are within the arm’s reach of the person using them.

Install Handrails in Bathrooms and on Stairs

Handrails are a great way to keep people from falling stairs or while helping them get up again if they have fallen. They can also be placed next to toilets for added safety, both when getting up and sitting down on them – especially for seniors who have had balance problems.

Install Threshold Ramps

Threshold ramps are also a great way to keep people from falling downstairs or while helping them get up again if they have fallen. They can be placed anywhere with an extra step, like doorways and entrances of rooms in the home. Be sure not on carpeting, though.

Do all Safety Measures in the Bathroom

Install grab bars and a non-slip mat or wool rugs to absorb water to the tub or shower. Be sure that at least one of them is reachable for people who have had trouble getting up and down in recent years.

Acquire an Electronic Lifeline Alarm

This type of alarm can be turned on when someone needs help, such as falling or having a seizure. The alarm will sound and notify someone who can come to their aid.

Install an Emergency Response System

Consider installing an emergency response system to contact somebody who can help quickly when needed, such as in a home accident. This will call for help in the event of a medical emergency.

Install an Emergency Alert System

This system transmits messages to specified family members or caretakers when you feel ill, fall, have other problems, and cannot communicate without them. It also sends updates on what is happening at home throughout the day. No installation fee!

Install Safety Sensors on Your Doors, Fire Alarm System

Install all the safety sensors on your doors and a fire alarm system to notify occupants of the home if there is an emergency. Safety sensors can be installed as you go about replacing old ones so that they remain activated all day long, while those who are not careful or aware may disable them from time to time by mistake.

Install Panic Pads All Around Your Home

Install panic pads all around your home and make sure that they are always in reach. A simple touch of these will alert first responders, family members, or friends whenever you need assistance.

In Conclusion

If you’ve been looking for ways to improve the quality of life in your home, we have some tips that will help keep your elderly loved ones safe and happy. By taking a few simple steps, like adding these five cozy rugs at RugKnots or buying a safety kit online store, you can make their space safer and more comfortable. All it takes is a little time and effort on your part!

How to Make the Most of Your Golden Years

Retirement is a time that’s supposed to be all about you. You’ve worked hard, raised your children and now you want to enjoy your golden years. And with people living longer than ever before, there’s no reason to sit around thinking you don’t have a life to live. Just like every other age milestone, there are things you can do to make this period of your life happier and healthier.

Stay Physically Fit

Age is just a number, so there’s no reason to let retirement slow you down. Unless there are medical contraindications, stay as active as possible. Swimming is an excellent way to stay in shape and reduce stress levels as well. You also need to stay current with annual physical exams and any preventive testing your doctor recommends. The healthier you are, the easier it is do all things you planned on doing before you retired.

Pick Your Brain

In addition to keeping your body in good shape, your brain needs regular exercise too. Far too often, people stop working and sit in front of a television. Not only can this lead to depression, but it can also lead to a reduction in mental acuity. Even if you’re taking time to decompress, push yourself to learn something new. Learning a new language is a great way to keep your mind sharp.

Spend Wisely

Most seniors are on a budget, so now’s not the time to overspend. Create a budget that allows for the necessities and the occasional splurge. Think about any large purchases of trips you have coming up and adjust your spending accordingly. Even if you have a large pension, you never know when something will come up. It’s always better to have that money set aside than to be caught without enough to cover an emergency.

You should look for ways to lower your monthly debt. If you’re still paying on student loans, consolidating your debt is a good idea. By taking advantage of student loan refinance programs, which most private lenders offer, can help you lower your monthly bill overall. You may even find yourself being able to save more than you expected.

Live a Peaceful Life

After years of commuting and taking care of your family, it’s time to step back and enjoy the silence. That doesn’t mean living hours from civilization, however, if you’re ready for a change of scenery, you should go for it. If you’re not happy where you live or if it’s just not the same neighborhood, look for other places you would like to live. It’s not uncommon for city dwellers to relocate to the countryside or beach once they retire. After all, this period of your life is supposed to be about doing things that make you feel good.

Learn to Say No

Having more free time doesn’t mean you need to say yes all the time. This is especially true when it comes to looking after grandchildren and running errands for others. Set limits on how much free time you have prior to anyone asking for help. Even with the best intentions, it’s easy for adult children to think their parents have nothing better to do than watch their grandchildren or help out when they’re at work.