5 Mental Health Issues and How They Impact the Elderly

With so much emphasis in previous years on taking care of your physical health, mental health fell by the wayside. And in older generations, it was even less common to discuss your mental health needs. It’s evident that more and more elderly people are struggling with their mental health. The signs and symptoms are often overlooked as reactions to medication, dementia and so much more. It’s important to look at the most common mental health issues and the unique ways that they impact the elderly. While it may be more difficult for older adults to recognize they need help, there are numerous resources out there to help them with their mental health needs.  


Depression is a big one because it can lead to suicidal thoughts and eventually taking one’s own life. In the elderly, there are some distinct differences between the onset of depression and dementia, although these symptoms are often missed because of their similarity. In depression, people will experience a very sudden decline whereas symptoms of dementia will come on more gradually. People with depression can still recall the correct dates, times, and places, whereas those with dementia will be more confused.

Depression in the elderly comes with problems focusing on tasks and makes them less likely to exercise daily. This may lead to a decline in caring for normal household and personal responsibilities. Isolation can lead to depression. This fact has become even more evident in recent years. The less contact an elderly person has with others, the more likely they are to become depressed. They may no longer want to eat or enjoy their typical activities if they are feeling depressed.


Many mental health conditions co-exist. Too much anxiety can lead to a sense of hopelessness. In the elderly, you may notice that they don’t want to go out and drive anymore or that they’d prefer to order takeout instead of eating inside a restaurant. While some issues like declining vision can also impact whether someone will want to drive or not, if their vision is fine, they may be experiencing some anxiety.

Anxiety can lead to overeating. It can also cause dizziness, shaking, and trouble breathing. These symptoms can often be mistaken for things like stroke, heart problems, and even dementia. When older people feel anxious, they become more at risk for falling and severely injuring themselves. Doctors often prescribe hydroxyzine for anxiety in their elderly patients or other anti-anxiety medications to alleviate the symptoms they are experiencing.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders

Obsessive-compulsive disorders are a wide range of issues where people struggle to function in their daily tasks because of their compulsions. When the elderly experience OCD it can lead to perfectionism in where their belongings get put every day. They can experience a wide range of emotions if their things are not put back in a certain way. OCD can cause people to overly engage in hygiene activities like more frequent handwashing than necessary. It can cause people to eventually start hoarding certain items. When the elderly become anxious, fearful, and experience OCD, it can cause them to make irrational decisions about their living arrangements and how they care for themselves.

Bipolar Disorders

The elderly can experience late onset of bipolar disorders. While it would be great to think that they would already know they have this mental health condition, like many others, it can be masked until the progression gets to be too much. When an elderly person has this disorder they will have extreme mood swings.

This can include when they have manic episodes that leave them restless, making impulsive decisions, heightened moods, and even delusions, and an inability to concentrate. These periods will be followed by extreme sadness, crying, weight gain, and even suicidal ideations. Elderly people with bipolar disorders can often be mistaken for having dementia as some of the symptoms overlap. The only to determine if dementia is a factor or not would be to have in-depth medical exams that look at all aspects of the patient’s current health and health history.

When the elderly suffer from mental health problems, it is critical to seek help. If they won’t do it themselves, then the caregiver should inform the proper medical professionals. This is for their safety and the safety of those around them.

Senior Self-Confidence 101: 6 Tips for Boosting Elderly Loved Ones’ Self Esteem

As the years come and go, your older loved ones may begin to feel less secure. The natural declines in ability that come along with age can be a hard pill to swallow, and many older adults have trouble adjusting to changes in their circumstances.

That doesn’t mean you’re resigned to watch your loved one withdraw, however. There are plenty of positive ways to boost a senior’s confidence while forging a stronger bond between you. Here are six tips to encourage and uplift your loved ones in their golden years.

Help them choose a mobility aid that promotes independence 

Mobility restrictions can quickly turn into spiritual and emotional limits if your loved one isn’t receiving the support they need.

The importance of independence

Although your elderly loved one may remain sharp mentally, it’s evident to them that they can’t be as physically active as they used to be. Enabling aging adults to move around on their own creates autonomy and removes the fear that they may burden those around them.

Mobility aids that promote independence

  • A walking stick or cane stylized to your loved one’s taste or carved with an aesthetically pleasing design
  • A walker or crutches so they can stand and walk for longer without needing to rest
  • Stamina-friendly tools like the So Lite Wheelchair for ultralight self-propelled motion
  • A mobility scooter

Any of these tools can be a game-changer for the way your senior views their abilities and circumstances, so don’t hesitate to suggest a mobility aid to your loved one.

Slow down and listen

As the world keeps evolving around them, the seniors in your life may feel that they can’t keep up. Show your loved ones respect and care by allowing space for them to think and express themselves. Your loved one will appreciate your genuine attention and thoughtful questions as you discuss subjects that matter to you both.

Encourage them to forge strong relationships

It’s no secret that companionship is paramount in old age. Connecting with the right community for their needs will help your elderly loved one stay engaged with the world, find comfort and friendship, and boost their mental health through positive human contact.

Help them build physical strength

Simple tasks like walking and lifting promote bone and muscle health for older adults. Gentle exercise, such as swimming or chair yoga, get their positive endorphins flowing and instill confidence in their capabilities of what they can still accomplish.

It’s easier for older people to feel and act younger if they’re not forced to go slower. Make sure your relative’s home is supportive of easy and safe living. Handrails, non-slip mats, bathtub/shower fixtures, and handicap accessibility encourage mobility without drawing attention to their restrictions.

Ask them for guidance with your own concerns 

Even with a generational divide, there are timeless issues that the elderly faced in their day, and they probably weren’t much different than what you struggle with now. Asking a loved one to share their wisdom and experience helps instill confidence and strengthen the bond between you two. As a bonus, you can benefit from tried-and-tested life advice.

Show interest in their hobbies

Does your loved one enjoy art, music, puzzles, knitting, or baking? Even if your loved one can’t engage in a pursuit at the same level they used to, chances are their enthusiasm for it hasn’t waned. Show an older adult you care by displaying genuine interest in the particulars of their hobby and watch the light in their eyes sparkle. It’s an excellent opportunity for your loved one to feel knowledgeable.

Final thoughts

No matter how you care for them, your loved one will be sure to benefit. Show your support for each older adult’s advanced lifestyle in the way that suits them best, and enjoy seeing them thrive for years to come.

Tips for Traveling the Globe in Retirement

You are undoubtedly making the energy and burning desire to boost your productivity and achieve your career goals in your prime. All the hard work has an endpoint and a day comes to welcome the start of better days ahead. Your retirement day starts a time for relaxation, fulfillment, and hopefully enjoyment of all your career’s fruits.

As you think of exciting activities to engage in, traveling the world may be at the top of the list. So, can you travel in your retirement? Well, here are some tips for traveling the globe in retirement.

Early Planning is Key

An integral part of executing great retirement travel trips is to put a plan and some effort into its execution early on. With 5-10 years to your retirement, hopefully, you are on the path to financial freedom that’s more than just a healthy bank savings account. Upon retirement, most average Americans’ money in their accounts is not aligned with their retirement plans or expectations.

As such, to realize your retirement travel plans, it’s best if you have a separate travel account. With the account in place, create a working budget to maintain the account and create a backbone for touring the globe. The budget should be realistic enough, so factor in some destinations, several trips, and possible expenses.

Examine Your Financial State

Traveling around the globe is financially overwhelming. Not only are you away from making money, but you’re also spending money on airplane fees, accommodation fees, and other travel-related expenses. Therefore, the more urgent need is to have solid financial security before globetrotting.

While inspecting your finances, it is also important to note that our expectations primarily decide travel costs. The choices we make to curate the experience will shape the expenses. For instance, accommodation on either world-class hotels or nationally decent and affordable hotels should reflect your retirement travel budget.

If you are more inclined towards making traveling your lifelong hobby upon retirement, consider hiring a financial professional to go through your financial health first. It is best if your retirement budget plan is fluid enough to include several traveling trips.

Commit to Financial Planning

Liaise with a financial consultant to tell you how to best budget for future travels on your current retirement plan. Whether living off a government pension or 401k, financial planning will prove essential for those who wish to travel in retirement. Afterward, consider all costs, including travel, accommodation, food, fun activities, and possible miscellaneous or emergency purchases.

Mark Out Travel Means to Use

Accommodation is not the only important element of global travel; how you travel is also essential. Traveling around the world can be done on the road, by air, on trains, and by the sea. All the different travel mediums offer varying experiences, travel time, and costs.

Planes are a great way to move from one country to another in the shortest time. On the other hand, trains are great for moving through destinations while sightseeing.

Cars can offer you more control over your travels and bring the fun of road trips to your travels. However, in the long run, traveling by car is expensive and increases the global carbon footprint.

Learn More About the Destinations

Looking into your destinations is more than just fueling your travel anticipation but can be helpful in effective planning. Via research on the destinations, you uncover great spots to have your kind of fun, its culture, and possible costs of the experience.

Have Travel Insurance

One way of cutting on expenses and enjoying more worry-free travels is by ensuring you get travel insurance. Your travel insurance will also have you covered in case of health complications in a different country. Check to see whether your health insurance covers you while in other countries.

Realizing your retirement travel plans starts with effective planning right now. Your golden years are meant to celebrate your achievements and are perfect for taking in the beauty and wonder of the world. Use the guideline above and start preparing to travel around the world now.

Six Reasons Why It’s Never Too Late to Find Love

One of the most incredible things about aging is all the knowledge that you pick up along the way. You have a lifetime of memories that taught you what matters most in life in your heart and mind. While taking better care of yourself to stay in good health is critical, another enormous part of being happy is to have love in your life. And while you may find yourself in your golden years widowed or divorced, it’s never too late to find love in life. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why putting yourself out there and finding love again is the right thing to do.

Love Helps You Live Longer 

Studies show that you live longer when you have love in your life. That’s not to say that it’s a guarantee, but nothing in life is. When you find a partner that you get along with and can be yourself around, you, of course, enjoy each other’s company. Well, they say laughter is the best medicine, and if you’ve got a best friend in your life that makes you laugh, go out and buy them a solitaire ring to show you’re ready to commit. Love, laughter, and marriage go hand in hand, so walk hand in hand with the one you love through a lifelong commitment.

It Eases Anxiety 

Being in love can help ease feelings of anxiety and depression. Protecting your mental health and doing all you can to stay in a positive state of mind is critical for everyone, especially seniors. Part of the natural aging process is potentially developing chronic issues, which can cause day-to-day anxiety. Having a partner you can count on and help you through a hard time definitely takes a load off when it comes to your emotional wellbeing. Of course, if you are struggling with your anxiety or depression issues that affect your ability to find joy in things you are used to or complete daily activities, consult with your GP, who may help you further. But, having someone to share the hard times with is a step in the right direction!

Your Life Is Happier 

Life is short, and you quickly learn this as you become an adult and then a parent. As our children grow up before our eyes, we’re aging right along with them. When you’re a senior, you know just how precious time is, so it’s worth it to find love and live the happiest life possible. You may have had love several times in your life and lost it through divorce or death — but you found it again, so you know it’s possible to do. If you’re happy being single, you’ll be even more delighted with someone to share life with. 

Carefree Living 

Life comes with its ups and downs, ebbs and flows, and you’ve learned how to battle the storm. But, when you’ve got a life partner to share the day-to-day stress with, it’s easier to cope than if you’re alone. We all need a shoulder to lean on from time to time; knowing that you have someone special, you can trust and confide in makes rolling with the punches that much easier.

Love Lowers Blood Pressure

Successful and loving marriages can have a positive impact on your blood pressure. People that were happily married showed significantly better blood pressure levels than singles in numerous studies. For the same reasons that love impacts your stress levels, anxiety, and longevity, it can positively affect your blood pressure. So, while you’re watching your diet, taking appropriate medications, and leading a healthy lifestyle to control your blood pressure levels, falling in love is another great addition to your other healthy habits. 

Get Your Beauty Rest 

In addition to all the other excellent benefits listed above, being in love can help you get a better night’s sleep! Being in a committed and loving relationship helps ease stress and tension, as mentioned earlier, which results in up to ten percent more sleep a night. And, sleep is critical for optimal health. 

It’s never too late to find love in life. If you’ve been on the fence about putting yourself back out there in your later years of life, let the reasons mentioned above be your motivation to meet new people and see if you find a spark or a connection. Here’s to your health and love!

Best Gift Ideas for Your Older Parents This Winter

Finding gifts for your older parents might feel like it gets more difficult as the years go on, especially when it feels like they already have everything they want or need. However, there are still plenty of gift ideas for your parents if you can’t think of anything.

There’s always at least one thing they don’t have that might benefit them in the future. So with that in mind, here are the best gift ideas for your older parents this winter.

Photo Album

The best part about this gift idea is that your parents will always need photo albums to capture new memories as the years go on. Developing some of their photos and organizing them in an aesthetically pleasing album is a fantastic way to allow your elderly parents to relive their precious moments. Also, if you have any seniors in your life with dementia, this book might be a way to remind them of their most comforting memories.

Stylish Canes

If your parent needs mobility assistance, one gift idea could be to buy them a stylish cane that correlates with their wardrobe or fashion preferences. There are many reasons to use walking sticks for brisk walking, one of which is that it makes traveling around a retirement community or assisted living center easier.

Canes come in different colors, shapes, and styles. They also come from countless materials, such as wood, metal, and plastic. Buying a cane for a loved one is a special gift because it’s practical yet meaningful.

Weighed Blanket

As you age, it often becomes harder to fall or stay asleep. This is especially true for patients with dementia or Alzheimer’s who have sleep disturbances that lead to unrest.

Luckily, weighted blankets can provide sleep benefits by using deep pressure stimulation. This type of stimulation has similar effects to receiving a hug from someone, and it helps fight stress, anxiety, and insomnia. If your parent says anything about having trouble sleeping, this is the best gift to soothe their slumber.

Overall, there are many great gift ideas for your parents, and these are just a few selections. Nonetheless, now that you know some of the best gift ideas for your older parents this winter, you can make sure that this holiday season is extra special.

Ways Seniors Can Practice Safe Medication Management

Most seniors are prescribed several different medications with different dosages taken at different times of the day. With this number, a mix-up can easily happen. That is why safe medication management is vital for senior health.

Taking medications the right way is crucial for treating an elder’s existing health condition and managing its symptoms. Having a simple system can help avoid common medication mistakes seniors make. This includes missing doses, taking the wrong prescription drug, or taking more than the doctor prescribed.

Tips To Live By

According to studies, about 87% of seniors take one prescription drug, while 36% take five prescription drugs or more. Not only that but, 38% of seniors use common pharmaceutical drugs or over-the-counter medications. To practice safe medication management, here are some tips that can help you out:

Take Your Medication As Prescribed

It is essential to take your medications regularly as instructed by your healthcare provider. Moreover, if you are experiencing some side effects or have questions, it is best to communicate with your doctor openly.

It will help if you don’t take any prescription drug your healthcare provider did not prescribe you. Doing so can be very dangerous. It is best to keep in mind the following:

  • Misuse of prescription drugs, such as taking another person’s prescription opioids, for example, can lead to addiction;
  • If you are currently having some symptom, like pain, and is taking someone else’s pain medication instead of consulting your doctor, your health problem might get even worse;
  • It is essential to know that doctors don’t just prescribe medications easily. They tend to consider several factors like drug interactions and allergies. Hence, taking medications not instructed by your doctor can lead to severe reactions or unexpected side effects.

It is also best not to skip any doses or abruptly stop taking your prescription drugs without talking to your doctor first. This is true even if you feel like you are getting better or think that the medication is not working. Some prescription drugs, such as antibiotics, need to be continually taken even if the infection stops bothering you for the drug to work properly.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stated that about 125,000 yearly deaths in the United States are due to medicines not being taken correctly. Not taking your medication as prescribed by your healthcare provider can worsen your existing health problem or lead to hospitalization.

Have a Medication List

It is recommended to write what medication you are taking and keep that list. Always make sure that the list is up-to-date. Moreover, you can also consider giving a loved one or friend a copy in case of an emergency.

The following is what your medication list should have:

  • Over-the-counter medicines, supplements, and herbal preparations you take;
  • Your prescription drugs’ brand name and generic name;
  • How often you take the medication;
  • The dosage of your medications;
  • Why you are taking the prescription drug;
  • The number of the local pharmacy where you usually fill your prescriptions.

Ensure Proper Storage of Medicines

One of the ways to make sure your prescription drugs are always safe and effective is by providing them with proper storage. Medicines that are not properly stored might not work as well or might even be harmful to you even if they are not yet expired.

It will help if you make sure to read the storage instructions for your prescription drugs. Several medicines require to be stored in a refrigerator. On the other hand, other prescription drugs cannot be exposed to high temperatures.

Most of the time, prescription drugs require to be stored in a cool and dry place. This can be a storage box, high dresser drawer, kitchen cabinet, or closet shelf. It will help if you put them away from sinks and hot appliances.

Most people store their medicines in the bathroom. However, this is not recommended. The bathroom is usually exposed to a wide fluctuation of humidity and heat, which might damage the prescription drugs.

Check Out Potential Side Effects and Medication Interactions

 Medication interactions tend to occur when:

  • A supplement or herbal preparation can affect the action of another prescription drug you are taking;
  • An existing medical condition makes a specific medication potentially harmful;
  • A certain type of non-alcoholic drink, alcohol, or even food, reacts with your prescribed medicine;

What you need to do to avoid harmful medication interactions is research more about it. Learn about the potential side effects and medication interactions your prescription drug might have. Furthermore, you can also ask your doctor about it to avoid any potential harm.

In a Nutshell

Most seniors have multiple medications prescribed by their doctor. Not knowing about safe medication management can often lead to common medication mistakes, thus harming a senior’s health. Common medication mistakes include missing doses, taking the wrong prescription drug, or taking more than the doctor prescribed.

5 Benefits of an Activity Tracker for Seniors

Activity trackers are a great tool to keep track of your fitness and other lifestyle elements. Fitness buffs and athletes are raving about these incredible gadgets, but seniors can benefit from them in a variety of ways too. Fitness trackers are an excellent way to keep seniors healthy and active, in addition to helping one age gracefully. Activity trackers have grown in popularity over the last decade, with most people wearing one at least once a day. It’s simple to see why, given how well fitness monitors have helped individuals boost their exercise levels. Being active is vital as you get older to help prevent the increased risk of chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, stroke, and obesity.

Seniors’ Health Monitoring

There are a variety of fitness tracker brands on the market, each with a different amount of tracking. Some are designed specifically with senior citizens’ wellness in mind. These senior-focused monitors can also provide alerts to caregivers in sudden or alarming shift inactivity, which can help elders receive better home care.

Sleep Monitoring

Sleep appears to play a substantial impact on both physical and mental health, according to research. However, because you are, well, asleep, it can be difficult to tell how well you are sleeping. Many fitness trackers can measure your sleep and tell you the period you spent in deep sleep, when you fell asleep, how frequently you woke up during the night, and when you woke up. They can also politely remind you to go to bed and wake up, ensuring that your sleep routine remains consistent.

Setting And Monitoring of Objectives

Perhaps you’re recuperating from an injury or sickness, or maybe you’re transitioning from a half marathon to a full marathon training schedule. Activity trackers like Kore 2.0 can meet you where you are, personally tailoring your objectives and monitoring your achievement – whatever that looks like for you.

Furthermore, since fitness trackers for seniors save data and offer progress reports, seniors may reflect on their achievements and see how they’ve progressed. That may be a powerful motivator for seniors to keep going and create new goals.


Fitness monitors keep track of your progress against your most formidable rival: yourself. They motivate you to exercise more today than yesterday, boost your calorie objectives, or walk another mile by sending you notifications. Gradually raising exercise objectives can have long-term health and wellbeing benefits, potentially allowing seniors to live independently for longer.

Encouragement from a Group

Fitness trackers are intrinsically individualistic, but they also have a group dynamic in which people wearing the same brand of tracker compete against one another for the number of steps taken in a certain amount of time or the number of calories burnt over a week. That might encourage seniors to walk more since they know someone is watching them – and competing against them!

Find an easy-to-use fitness tracker like Kore 2.0 for seniors to help your loved ones increase their physical activity. Don’t forget to educate your loved ones on how to operate the equipment to ensure their success. It may take some time for the elderly parent to grasp on, but the effort will be well worth it.

5 Ways to Senior-Proof Your Home

The majority of us hope to maintain our independence and remain in the comfort of our own homes for as long as possible. Whether seniors live alone or with their families, there are a number of home renovations that can help reduce the risk of common problems seniors face as they age. 

Hiring a Contractor for Your Renovations

The right contractor can help you with your home renovation needs. Consider using a service like Networx to find one in your local area. Read through Networx reviews to find great leads for anyone who’s interested in connecting with a good contractor. 

  1. Add a Wheelchair Ramp 

Even if you’re not wheel-bound, there’s no wrong time to consider adding a wheelchair ramp to your home. It costs approximately $1,000 to $3,000 to add a wheelchair ramp, so it’s never too early to plan ahead. 

Also, keep in mind that a wheelchair ramp isn’t just for wheelchairs. It’s for anyone who has a difficult time climbing the stairs, which is something that happens to most of us as we age. You might find yourself in a wheelchair or walker later down the road, so it’s ideal to add a ramp whenever you can. 

  1. Update the Bathroom 

Falls are common among the elderly. One place where these accidents may happen is the bathroom. Sitting down and standing up at the toilet isn’t easy on an aging body. The slippery shower can also create a fall risk. 

Fortunately, there are bathroom changes you can make to help reduce the fall risk. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends installing grab bars both in and outside of your shower, as well as alongside the toilet. Installing a taller toilet that’s easier for seniors to sit on is also an ideal option. 

Another factor to consider is flooring. Although tile can be beautiful, it can also pose a major fall risk if it’s not slip-resistant. Upgrading to slip-resistant tiles in the bathroom (and anywhere else in the house) can help reduce the risk of falls. 

All of these changes may cost a few hundred dollars and can help create a safer bathroom for seniors

  1. Switch to Wider Door Frames

If you have narrow doorways in your home, it might be necessary to widen them to better accommodate a wheelchair or other mobility device. AARP recommends using doors that are 32” wide at a minimum but opting for doors that are 36” wide, if possible. 

Widening the doorways will require a contractor to replace the current doorframe, install new insulation and drywall, and paint the walls. It will generally cost about $500 per door but could be more or less depending on where you live. 

  1. Change Your Door Handles

Since seniors have a difficult time twisting, pinching or squeezing things as they age, so it’s ideal to consider replacing your door handles. Consider opting for lever-style instead of doorknobs. 

  1. Add an Elevator or Stair Lift 

If your home has at least two stories, it might be ideal to consider adding an elevator so you don’t have to worry about the stairs. This expense can be a costly one. Chair lifts can cost around $4,000 while elevator installation can cost about $20,000. 

Paying for Home Renovations 

Unfortunately, medical insurance doesn’t cover the cost of home renovations for seniors. You will need to pay for the cost of renovations out-of-pocket. In some cases, taking a reverse mortgage or home equity loan may be a good way to cover this expense. 

Home renovations can be undeniably costly. But it can be a much cheaper option than other senior care alternatives, such as nursing homes or assisted living facilities. 

These are just a few ways to senior-proof your home. Making a few changes to your home’s design can help you maintain your independence outside of a long-term care facility for as long as possible.

6 Quick Lifestyle Changes to Stay Healthy During Cold & Flu Season

The weather has turned colder, which is an exciting time of year in many ways. We know that fall and winter months are when the holidays occur, which brings a feeling of magic, nostalgia, and joy to our lives. We also know that the fall and winter months go by another name – cold and flu season. While there are simple ways to protect ourselves during cold and flu season, like staying away from friends and loved ones who are ill and getting our flu and pneumonia vaccines, we can also make quick changes to keep ourselves healthy. 

Part of being healthy is making sure that our immune systems are in tip-top and fighting shape. It doesn’t take a lot of work to get to where you want to be as far as immunity goes, so let’s dive into what these changes are. And, as always, if you’re taking routine medications daily, make sure you discuss any changes you want to make with your doctor or pharmacist. 

You Are What You Eat 

You’ve likely heard the adage, “You are what you eat.” While this is not only true, changing what you eat can immediately impact your overall health and well-being. While you’re sure to be tempted during the holidays to indulge in baked goods and heavy meals, remember it’s okay to do so as long as you include balance in the equation. If you’re attending many events where unhealthy food will be served, make sure at home you’re eating whole foods, even plant-based. Try “eating the rainbow,” meaning eat foods in various colors to get the maximum amount of nutrients on your plate at one time. Healthy eating habits are the cornerstone of a healthy life. 

Supplement Where You Need To 

Including supplements with your healthy eating habits will give you the maximum benefits of your wise choices. Vitamins many Americans are lacking are – Magnesium, Vitamin D, and Zinc. So supplement with those after getting your doctor’s approval. If you struggle with sleep, supplementing with things like CBD and Melatonin products is a great way to ensure you’re getting a good night’s sleep. 

Speaking Of Sleep 

Speaking of sleep, they don’t call it beauty rest for no reason! Ensuring you get in eight to ten hours of sleep a night is critical for overall health and wellness. Suppose you’ve tried a more holistic approach to getting better sleep, like supplements and calming routines before bedtime, and still aren’t seeing results. In that case, it’s worth talking to your doctor to know if you need prescription medication to help you catch those z’s. 

Let’s Get Physical! 

Physical activity not only helps your health but also improves your mood. Studies have shown direct links between physical exercise and mental health improvement. The key to sticking with physical exercise habits is making sure you’re partaking in the form of exercise that you enjoy. So, whether it’s walking, biking or swimming, find a physical hobby you enjoy and aim to do it for at least thirty minutes every single day. Not only will you feel good, but it will also help you shed unnecessary weight – which will only improve your overall health. 

Stay Social As Much As Possible 

Being more locked down the last couple of years, we realized how meaningful our social connections were. So, based on your comfort levels, try to remain as social as possible. Sharing intimate relationships is key to our mental and physical health studies show. Loneliness is a bigger killer than heart disease or cigarettes. Make sure you’re making time to spend with the ones you love. Laughter is, after all, the best medicine. 

Seek Treatment When Necessary 

As seniors, it’s essential to guard your health closer than you may have in your younger years. If you’re feeling “off” and unwell, make sure you at least phone into your GP’s office to speak with a nurse. You never know when something that might seem minor to you requires an appointment with your doctor. Don’t delay routine appointments and care, and when in doubt – ask your medical team. If you bury your head in the sand, minor problems become much more significant. 

So there you have it. The tips mentioned above are quick ways to take control of your health this cold and flu season and enjoy the holidays and beautiful winter months feeling great. Here’s to your health!

Top Tips for Improving Your Wellness and Living a Better Life

We all want to live a healthier life. Unfortunately, this does feel like it takes a significant amount of effort which can be difficult to muster after a hard day at work or if you’re already feeling generally unhealthy. First and foremost, you need to find your drive to improve your physical and mental wellness, and this task is down to you. However, learning about the ways in which you can improve your health can help to give you some extra inspiration to get started, so we’ve put together our top tips for improving both your physical and mental wellness so that you can live a better life.

Get Plenty of Sleep
One of the most important parts to living well is sleeping well. Getting plenty of sleep on a regular basis is very worthwhile and can help you to see some improvements to your daily life almost instantly. First off, as an adult, you need to get roughly 7-9 hours of sleep per day, but it’s not just enough to get the hours in. You’ll want to set yourself a regular bedtime that you follow strictly to keep your circadian rhythm in check. Having a healthy sleeping pattern reduces your risk of serious diseases such as stroke, and also provides you with extra energy throughout the day. This extra energy from sleep reduces your desire to eat extra calories to get energy instead, and therefore reduces your chance of gaining excessive weight too.

Drink More Water
Many of our bodily functions rely on the intake of water in the body. To maintain healthy function of some of the most essential tasks inside our bodies, it’s important to make sure you’re staying hydrated. These tasks include digestion, the absorption of vital nutrients, the creation of saliva, and also regulating a healthy body temperature. The amount of water you need to drink generally is impacted by external factors, however it’s recommended that adult men drink 13 and a half cups per day, and women drink 11 and a half cups. This may sound like a lot, but if you get into the habit of keeping a bottle of water with you at all times, it’ll become second nature to keep sipping it over the course of the day.

Exercise More
Staying fit and active is another key element to improving physical and mental wellness. It’s recommended that we all do at least 2 and a half hours of exercise per week to maintain a healthy fitness level. This improves our bodies in many ways, but it primarily increases your heart health. Of course, keeping our hearts healthy is comprised of much more than just exercise, so for more information on how to take care of your heart, check out Dr. Ruscio’s guide. Of course, other than keeping our hearts healthy, exercise is a very good way to keep us feeling happy too. There are strong links between exercise and positive mental health, especially if you’re exercising outdoors or with others. It can give you a moment to contemplate life and mentally digest any issues you’re having while also improving your physical appearance, and ultimately boosting your self-confidence.

Reduce Alcohol Intake
It’s important to remember that alcohol itself is a form of neurotoxin. Luckily, our bodies are equipped to process this and filter certain harmful chemicals like alcohol out of our systems, allowing us to unwind with a drink at the bar and socialize with friends, without feeling too guilty. However, our liver and kidneys, which predominantly serve to clean our blood and remove these harmful toxins, are limited in how much they can handle. You don’t necessarily have to give up alcohol here, although it’s definitely beneficial to do so. However, it’s worthwhile thinking of ways to cut down on the amount you drink. For example, if you were to drink 2 to 3 alcoholic beverages per day, you could end up causing damage to your liver which can lead to serious complications. Binge drinking can also harm your liver. This generally means drinking to get drunk, by consuming a lot of alcohol within a short space of time. Of course, everyone has different alcohol tolerances, so the limits are varied, but it’s generally stated that binge drinking is when men drink five our more drinks or women drink four or more drinks in a space of around two hours.

Talk About Your Mental Health
Speaking about our feelings and being open with those we care about is incredibly healthy and can help us to deal with mental health problems or lead us to seek more professional assistance. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, 20.6% of US adults experienced some form of mental illness in the year of 2019. This accounts for about 51.5 million people. If you are struggling to cope with stress, anxiety, depression, or some other serious mental health disorder, it’s important to remember that you’re not alone in those struggles and there are also many ways to find help for these problems. After speaking to those you care about for support, it can feel a whole lot easier seeking out further assistance from your doctor or a therapist. Ultimately, remember not to suffer in silence, and admit when you need help.