Assisted Living in Long Island, NY

What does assisted living in Long Island, NY mean to you and your loved one?

Having your loved one in Long Island under the care of a Assisted Living on Long Islandcommunity that is licensed and regulated by the New York State Health Department, means having confidence knowing that they will be in a safe & secure environment. In the state of New York, Assisted Living communities provide services to five or more unrelated seniors. These communities offer personal care, room, board, housekeeping, physical and speech therapy and some home health resources for your elderly or disabled family member. In New York, assisted living residences render special individualized service plans, that are customized to meet each residents needs. These service plans provide residents with comfortable and respectful care that promotes dignity, autonomy and independence.

FAQs on Assisted living in Long Island

Could assisted living be covered by Medicaid or Medicare?

A number of expenses related to assisted living can be paid by Medicaid benefits. However, housing costs in an assisted living facility are not covered by Medicaid. Care programs provided at the facility will be taken care of but if you are searching for financial assistance for the housing costs, Medicaid is not going to help out. Many states have programs and waivers designed to help reduce assisted living housing fees.

Typically, Medicare can’t be utilized to cover the expenses at an assisted living facility. Medicare health insurance is created to cover short term stays at hospitals or rehab facilities and prescriptions and drugs that has a start and stop date. If you’re forced into an assisted living center because of an accident or health problem, Medicare could take care of your primary fees if they’re proposed or prescribed by a physician.

Just how expensive is the price of assisted living services in New York?

Cost of care services may vary by facility however if you simply are looking for an average for New York, $4,185 every month is what Genworth identified for a state median as part of their most current questionnaire of assisted living communities in the USA.

Will the degree of care provided usually differ based on the assisted living facility in New York?

Once you take residence in an assisted living facility, there are certain care services and programs that one can assume will be supplied. Every assisted living community is unique and state legislation might require some states to provide services not supplied in others. In many assisted living facilities you can expect:

  • Assistance with Daily Life Activities
  • Meal Preparation and Dining Services
  • Medication Management
  • Exercise and Social Activites
  • Medical and Health Related Services

Could assisted living expenses be deducted on taxes?

Plenty of assisted living occupants are stunned to find out that all or the majority of your assisted living fees are tax deductible. According to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) “long term care services” can be deducted as unreimbursed medical costs. For some residents, the whole monthly fee may be tax deductible.

Do assisted living centers get requirements that must be fulfilled in New York?

Each state mandates all assisted living facilities to submit an application and obtain a license to provide care and housing programs for seniors. Assisted living facilities are not permitted to open their doors to residents until an evaluation has been completed and a license has been provided. In addition to licensure, some communities may seek out accreditation when they are open and accreditors are able to see the assisted living center at work. When preparing to relocate into an assisted living facility it is important to read about the licenses, certifications, and accreditations the community maintains.

The Facts about Assisted Living in Long Island, NY

Assisted living as it exists today originated in the 1990’s as an alternative to elder care. These communities are for elders who cannot live independent, and do not require continual critical care provided by a nursing home. Assisted living communities provide long term residential care and promote independent lifestyles. Other states may use similar terms to describe assisted living which include adult group homes, family care homes and retirement communities.

Long Island, NY Assisted Living Communities

There are 29 assisted living communities in the Long Island area that may be a correct fit for you and your family. See below or click to view a list of the assisted living facilities in the Long Island area. Assisted living communities in Long Island can vary in size. These communities can range from small residential care home settings to large and grand communities, all offering the same personal care services for your loved one.

The Long Island Area

Long Island is an island in New York that stretches into the Atlantic Ocean. Long Island contains a total of four counties: Kings County, Queens County, Nassau County and Suffolk County. Kings County and Queens County house the boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens and are considered a part of New York City. However Nassau County and Suffolk County are considered as regions of the state of New York. Long Island host sites such as Cooper’s Beach, Hither Hills State Park, The Paramount and The Long Island Aquarium & Exhibition Center. Long Island is sure to meet the needs of you and your loved one.

Explore Assisted Living Options Across New York

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Assisted Living Locations in Westchester County Westchester County