State Licensing for Senior Communities and Care Services in Mississippi
Search for Mississippi Housing and Care
Mississippi State Department of Health
Health Facilities Licensure & Certification
143-B LeFleur’s Square
Jackson MS 39211
Phone: 601-364-1100
State Commission on Aging
Types of Housing/Care | Search | Definitions |
Affordable Senior Housing | Affordable Senior Housing | HUD 202 Program that offers rental assistance for seniors who meet the requirements of the federal program. |
Home Health Care Agencies | Home Care | A Home Health Care Agency is a public or privately owned agency or organization, or a subdivision of such an agency or organization, properly authorized to conduct business in Mississippi, which is primarily engaged in providing to elderly or disabled individuals, at the written direction of a licensed physician, in the individual’s place of residence, skilled nursing services provided by or under the supervision of a Registered Nurse licensed to practice in Mississippi. One or more of the following part-time or intermittent services or items are provided: (a) physical, occupational, or speech therapy; (b) medical social services; (c) home health aide services; (d) other services as approved by the licensing agency; (e) medical supplies, other than drugs and biologicals, and the use of medical appliances; (f) medical services provided by a resident in training at a hospital under a teaching program of such hospital. |
Hospice | Hospice | Hospice is defined as a concept not a place, a way of dealing with dying patients. The place of care should be left to the patient/family and physician. It is a program in which emphasis is placed upon palliative and supportive care to meet the special needs of patients and their families during the final stages of illness. Full scope health services are provided by an organized interdisciplinary team, available on a 24-hour-a-day, seven-days-a-week basis. |
Personal Care Homes | Personal Care Homes | A Personal Care Home (PCH) is an establishment operated and maintained to provide residential accommodations, personal service, and social care to individuals who are not related to the licensee and who because of impaired capacity for self-care elect or require protective living accommodation but do not have an illness, injury, or disability for which regular medical care and 24-hour nursing service is required. |
Skilled Nursing Facility (Long Term Care/Nursing Home) | Nursing Care | A Skilled Nursing Care Facility (SNF) is a health institution planned, organized, operated, and maintained to provide facilities and health services with related social care to in-patients who require medical care and 24-hour nursing services for illness, age, injury, or disability. Each elderly or disabled patient is under the care of a physician licensed to practice medicine in the State of Mississippi. The nursing services are organized and maintained to provide 24-hour nursing services under the direction of a registered professional nurse employed full-time. |
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